Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island. I considered quite a few factors while compiling my list, and I think it turned out pretty solid. This week’s list is not in any particular order.
1-3. Katniss, Peeta, and Finnick from The Hunger Games trilogy
I think it’s pretty obvious why I want Katniss and Finnick, because they can help with our survival needs on the island, and I think Peeta can too since he did, after all, survive two Hunger Games. Plus, I feel he needs to be there to soothe Katniss. Though really, they probably won’t be finding the situation all that grim since none of us would be trying to kill each other (or at least I hope not!).
4. Pine Sap from Tiger Lily
For starters, Pine Sap is from Neverland and is therefore used to limited resources. But also, the guy is extremely patient and will build houses for everyone! He’s definitely the kind of guy who would be helpful to have on the island.
5-6. Mal and Sturmhond from The Grisha trilogy
With his hunting skills and survival ability, Mal seems like an obvious choice for someone who would be handy to have on the island. Then Sturmhond would not only be entertaining, but also knows a lot about the sea and could maybe even find a way to build a boat for us.
7. Lizze from The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet
I want Lizzie on the island with me because I want someone that I have things in common with, and because I need someone from my world who can bemoan with me the first world problem of being stuck on a deserted island with such limited resources. While Lizzie actually claimed she would do fine on a deserted island surviving off of clams and coconuts, she did also add “as long as there’s WiFi.” Needless to say, I think she and I will need to help each other out. She’s also intelligent and can probably contribute some ideas.
8. Justen from Across a Star-Swept Sea
Justen is a scientist and doctor-in-training, so basically he would be super helpful on the island. I also really like his personality and would be happy to be in his company.
9. Peter from The Chronicles of Narnia
I chose Peter because I think we would need a leader on the island, and I think Peter would be perfect for the role. Sturmhond might try to overthrow his authority, but Peter will stand his ground and prove himself to be the most capable for the job. Besides, Sturmhond needs to focus on building that boat!
10. Seraphina from Seraphina
Though I don’t have quite as much in common with Seraphina as I do with Lizzie, I feel we would get along and that I would enjoy her company on the island. She is also smart and could probably help solve problems that arise.
So what book characters would you want on a deserted island with you?
Haha Pine Sap. Though I’m sure he built that house ONLY FOR TIGER LILY. Just saying. But I think he would build one for you too. And of course you have the gang from The Hunger Games, so you’ll definitely survive then, house or no house. And having Lizzie there would be AWESOME. Just think of that entertainment
Yeah I know, but with no Tiger Lily around, maybe he’d help the rest of us out! And yes, Lizzie would be so fun and entertaining!
Nice picks! I can’t think of anyone to add, as when asked questions like these my brain pulls a fast one and deserts me(pun intended!) =)
Ha! Thankfully I had some time to think on the topic.
Pine Sap would be an interesting, but great character to have on an island! Maybe his talent with flocks of birds would be useful as well.
That’s a good point; it might be!
Your stranded-on-a-deserted-island scenario sounds more like an island paradise with all these people around to make it awesome! I’m coming with you when you get shipwrecked.
Sounds like a party to me!
Katniss is on my list, too. Isn’t she on everybody’s?
Seriously; she’d be so helpful!
Ooh yes totally agree with Finnick and Katniss. I put Peeta on my list, but I probably should have had all three. Oh and Mal would be great for tracking and getting food!
They’re a dynamic trio! Johanna would be good too but I thought she might get on my nerves!
Yeah, I picked Katniss and Peeta too but you’re right, they’d probably be like, ‘man, this is *peanuts* compared to what we went through!’ XD
They’d be wondering what Lizzie and I were whining about, ha ha.
I love the idea of both Mal and Strumhond but at some point there’d be a fight and then Finnick would get in for the fun of it and then Katniss would flash back to the Games and think everyone was trying to kill everyone and then you’d really need Peeta to keep it all from turning into a riot
Though that might all keep you and Lizzie entertained for a while. I’m not sure if Seraphina would enjoy it.
Ha ha… wow. That just conjured up some amusing and not-so-amusing images in my head.
I love the idea of both Mal and Strumhond but at some point there’d be a fight and then Finnick would get in for the fun of it and then Katniss would flash back to the Games and think everyone was trying to kill everyone and then you’d really need Peeta to keep it all from turning into a riot
Though that might all keep you and Lizzie entertained for a while. I’m not sure if Seraphina would enjoy it.
Good choices! I would want Lizzie on my island as well as she would fun to talk too!
Would be fun! Lol
Yes it would be!
I love that you included all three, Katniss, Finnick, and Peeta, on your list. I think you could make a list out of most of the people in the Hunger Games trilogy. Well, except for those ones that are ruthless. I thought about most of them in Catching Fire. I would have liked to put Johanna on my list too. She would keep things interesting.
Yeah, I considered Johanna, but I was concerned she might grate on me!
That is true. She would be one that could be great or turn out really bad.
I’d probably just end up taking one or two people (like Katniss) who could actually survive on a deserted island and then fill the rest with book boyfriends who could occupy my time with their extreme charm and irresistibilty (this isn’t a word? WHAT?). I’d perish quite quickly, but at least the short time I HAD would be fabulous ;D
1-3. Agreed! The only reason why I didn’t include Katniss/any other kickass THG character on my list was because I thought a lot of people would have them, so I switched Catnip out for Legolas, since they’re both pretty good at surviving (Legolas has a heightened sense of hearing and sight, if I’m not mistaken). But I think I’d like Peeta as well because he’s at least ONE person who would hesitate to kill someone to survive, in my opinion. He’s like that shining beacon of humanity. xD
4. I haven’t read Tiger Lily yet, but Pine Sap is such a cute name! I’m guessing the character himself isn’t that cuddly kind, judging by your description, but he still sounds like a useful person to have on the island.
5-6. STURMHOND. Even though I included the Darkling, I completely forgot about him. Ughhhh. As you can see, I’m regretting my decision to include the Darkling. He would’ve been a good-looking and still good-hearted companion; who knows what the Darkling would do to me on that island, you know?!
9. He’d definitely make a good leader! I have to admit that I can’t really remember much about him since the last time I read The Chronicles of Narnia was… four years ago? O_O But I think he’d do well in resolving any conflict that arises and would be able to organize us to survive in the best possible way.
Great picks, Amy!
Pine Sap is nice but kind of keeps to himself. People were kind of mean to him, and he just took it. Like I said, he’s incredibly patient.