As it is now August, I suppose I ought to make good on my promise to return from hiatus. I have to admit, I haven’t missed blogging too much while I was away. Sometimes I kind of wanted to write a post, but I was fine with waiting or posting it on my Tumblr (I did two Top Ten Tuesdays there as well as my TNG season 5 recap). I do have a few new post ideas, though only one partially written (whoops), but I will probably keep my posting light going forward as I have decided:
1.) I definitely want to keep my fiction writing as a top priority, and…
2.) I have decided I’m not going to try to keep up as a “big” blog.
I really enjoyed growing in subscribers and comments, coming up with different content, but then I felt I plateaued and stagnated. I figured this hiatus would help me determine if I was ready to come back into this full force and try to make this blog bigger and better, or if I would just be content with it as an outlet when I wanted to say something for whoever wanted to read it. And I have decided on the latter.
I am definitely grateful for all my readers and appreciated the comments several of you left on my hiatus post. I hope you will stick around for whatever I may bring.
Here are the posts I do intend to write sometime in the next month…
– Bookish Wedding Inspiration: The Start of Me & You (I’ve gathered a few pictures for this and still have a way’s to go, but I’m REALLY excited about this one!)
– Why You Should Watch Deep Space Nine If You Love Mistborn (& Vice Versa) (This is the one I’ve started writing and I think it’ll be interesting!)
– Mini movie reviews for Inside Out, Ant-Man, and Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
– Mini book reviews (I haven’t decided how many of the books I will be reviewing from what I read over my hiatus, but I read several good ones!)
So… how’s it going, everyone?!
Glad to see that you’re back and I look forward to seeing your posts (great ideas by the way!!).
Glad to have you back
And I think it’s great that you’ll be focusing more on your writing and just blogging sporadically.
Also, I have to comment on the ST:TNG 5 episodes. I do love Cause and Effect and Disaster. Darmok, though, is in my top 5 of the whole series. I love that episode – I love the language in it and the stories. The monster is kind of lame but the friendship and the struggle is great
The Game also is in my top series episodes. I like Robin Lefler’s laws and I like seeing Wesley again. It’s one of 15 year old me’s favorite episodes and so it’ll always be a favorite (along with Menage a Troi). Power Play I liked pretty well also. It’s fun to see those characters acting so differently. And The Perfect Mate! I love that one. I think it’s the best thing Famke Jensen has ever done (but that’s partly because I think she was miscast in X-Men). I love the complications of her character and the things she struggles with and her purpose and the things Picard makes her question. Such a good episode 
I forget how much I love this series until I read your episode lists and then it’s so much fun!
I like the sentiment of Darmok, but I have the hardest time believing Picard could have figured out the stories that quickly. It’s an interesting concept for sure though. I love Robin and Wesley together in The Game but I don’t like the plot and just all the weirdness with the game in general. It feels more silly than real to me. But I really wish we could have gotten more Robin after! She was a great character.
Can’t wait to see your bookish wedding post! I always love those
And your review for Inside Out; I want to see it again so badly.
It was a really good movie! One of Pixar’s best in a while for sure!
Glad you’re back, Amy! I’ve missed your posts (and I’m so bad at tumblr that I missed the ones you posted over there — doh!). It’s nice to sit back and decide exactly how you want to proceed, and I’m happy that you’ve come to a good decision about this blog (and that you’re not going to close it down or anything!!!). I know I don’t comment very often anymore, but I always read and enjoy your posts. <3
Thanks so much, Kelley!
Welcome back! I didn’t even realize you were on hiatus, since I kind of was as well, and we had our book club meeting in the middle of it
I hope you got the break that you needed
It was nice, thanks!
YAY YOU’RE BACK! And as long as you post sometimes I’ll be fine haha!
Ha ha, thanks, Val! I appreciate your enthusiasm!