Tag Archives: top 10

The Top 10 Books I’ve Enjoyed with <2000 Goodreads Ratings

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is  Top Ten Books We Enjoyed That Have Under 2000 Ratings On Goodreads. I was a little surprised that some of these had so few ratings, though most of them are a little newer. I also apparently haven’t read much with less than 2000 ratings on GR… other than these listed there were only a few more books plus several novellas. I listed the genre of each book since not all of them are the young adult fiction I generally talk about.

This week’s list is in no particular order.

1. The Long Game by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: YA fiction


I just recently devoured this book in three days and there is no way JLB can leave me hanging like this. I NEED MORE! And you need to read these books if you haven’t already so that she’ll write more!

2. Do Over by Jon Acuff: Business non-fiction


Business non-fiction may sound like a snore, but not with Jon Acuff. This book didn’t make the same impact on me as his previous books Quitter and Start, but it’s definitely still full of practical career advice told with humor.

3. Nora and Kettle by Lauren Nicolle Taylor: YA fiction


Another recent read that is definitely underrated. It’s not perfect but it’s a beautiful story with compelling characters.

4. Finding Alice by Melody Carlson: Christian fiction


While this is technically Christian fiction, it’s not preachy and can be enjoyed by anyone. It’s an older favorite of mine about a girl in college who gets diagnosed with schizophrenia. I’ve read it twice already but feel I might be due for another reread soon.

5. Love, Lies and Spies by Cindy Anstey: YA fiction


This book has its flaws, but it’s a fun read with characters I enjoyed. I’d recommend to fans of Jane Austen who like a dash action and spying as well.

6. Let’s All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs: Christian non-fiction


The only books that I loved more than this one last year were The Deathly Hallows and The Start of Me and You. Compelling and exactly what I needed.

7. Loop by Karen Akins: YA fiction


This is an underrated sci-fi romp in the YA world (and don’t let the cover fool you, the romance doesn’t dominate). Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy the sequel as much, so I’d recommend reading just book one and reaching your own conclusions for the few unanswered questions.

8. The Veritas Conflict by Shaunti Feldhahn: Christian fiction


This is an old favorite of mine about a girl going to Harvard who deals with spiritual warfare, with shades of C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters throughout the story.

9. Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson: YA fiction


An underrated YA contemporary about a girl who develops an obsession with not touching others, believing that if she follows these self-imposed rules that her dad will return home.

10. Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs: Christian non-fiction


Another memoir from Annie F. Downs that I didn’t love quite as much as Let’s All Still Be Brave, but I still enjoyed quite a bit.

What are some of your favorite underrated books? Have you read any of mine? 

The Top 10 Books I’ve Read So Far This Year

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is a freebie! So as you can see, I am discussing my favorite reads of the year so far. Confession: My top read of the year is my only 5 star of the year (other than my one reread so far, see below note), followed by a few 4.5 stars and then yes, I have 4 star reads on this list. I don’t know if I’m getting stingier with my ratings or not reading the right books this year, but I have read some great stories that I wanted to share. And maybe you can give me suggestions to make the second half of my reading year better!

(Note: I did not include my one reread of the year so far, The Start of Me and You, which is seriously one of my all-time faves.)

10. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard


An interesting fantasy that I quite enjoyed. I’m definitely looking forward to more of Merik specifically in Windwitch.

9. Love, Lies and Spies by Cindy Anstey


I saw someone on Instagram describe this as Jane Austen meets The Scarlet Pimpernel and I would say that is pretty accurate! I think the story could have been tightened just a bit more, but it was a super fun read, and I adored Spencer!

8. The Unbound by Victoria Schwab


I first read The Archived early this year and liked it as well, but I enjoyed this follow-up more. I especially became a bigger Wesley fan after this book.

7. The Shadow Queen by CJ Redwine


This was my most recent read, and after seeing mixed reviews, I was so glad to end up really enjoying it! I actually could have taken or left most of the actual story, but I really loved the characters and want more of them!

6. Nora & Kettle by Lauren Nicolle Taylor


This book has its flaws, but this story still haunts me. It’s quiet and beautiful and filled with hope.

5. Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs


An inspirational non-fiction book about looking for the lovely in our everyday lives.

4. The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson


In true Brandon Sanderson fashion, I fell so in love with these characters and their world and got wrapped up in their stakes. It takes a while to really understand why these chalk drawings are such a big deal in Joel’s world, but again, Sanderson makes it work.

3. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Septys


The book that made me a Ruta Sepetys fan. And tore my heart out in that way that only readers can appreciate.

2. The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


This book had twists and turns and quips and friendships and I ate it all up.

1. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Septys


Seriously. Gutted me. Beautiful and moving and powerful.

What are your favorite reads from this year? Any of yours the same as mine?

Ten Books Every High School Student Should Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Ten Books Every X Should Read, and I decided to go with high school students.

Even though I’ve always liked reading, I always dreaded required reading. So many of the archaic classics just did absolutely nothing for me at the time I read them. However, several of them were also very thought-provoking. If I was given a high school English class with free reign how to teach it, I would want to include some books written in the last few years as well, because many of them are also very impactful. Below is a mix of older classics and newer stories that I feel every high school student should read.

1. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee


I kind of feel like this one’s a given, and for good reason. I read it in the 10th grade and am long overdue for a reread.

2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak


My thoughts on this one can be summed up in this GIF:


3. The Crucible by Arthur Miller


This book is about The Salem Witch Trials, written during the time of the Communist Red Scare in America. Point being: the message it timeless. This book rocked my world in 11th grade.

4. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


Thought-provoking but far from boring. I read this one the summer before my senior year, and it really wasn’t a bad poolside read. Plus, it may encourage the students to read more Oscar Wilde, which they should because he is hilarious.

5. Anthem by Ayn Rand


Alternative possibilities that work just as well: The Giver or The Hunger Games. But let me explain what I think is great about Anthem for high school students though. First off, it’s short, which is always a plus for required reading. Secondly, the character perspective is interesting. At first, you’re not reading about a unique individual, like Katniss. And you’re not reading about a child who is given a great opportunity, like Jonas. You’re reading about an adult who is toiling in his world when he makes a discovery on his own that changes everything. Besides, there’s a decent chance in this day and age that a high school student has probably already read The Giver and The Hunger GamesAnthem explores more dystopia themes that will take their critical thinking to another level. It is a little heavy-handed, but that in itself might make for interesting discussion as well.

6. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien


Pretty much because it’s a fantasy gateway, and if a high school student hasn’t read any fantasy yet, it’s time for them to discover if it’s for them or not.

7. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card


Another genre read that again, I think high school students should be exposed to. And it certainly has plenty of material for a paper or a class discussion.

8 and 9. Between Shades of Gray and Salt to the Sea by Ruta Septys


I had to include both, because seriously, moving WWII fiction that focuses on lesser-known parts of history.

10. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky


I had considered just making this one a bonus for AP students, but this book impacted me too much for me not to put on this list. Even if it’s an abridged version, that’s fine. No one really needs that sub-plot about the sister anyways. This book is all about consequences to actions, something I think all high school students need to think about.

What books made an impact on you in high school? What book do you wish you had read in high school?

My 10 Most Recent 4.5-5 Star Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is 10 Of My Most Recent 5 Star Reads. Since I don’t hand out a lot of 5 stars, I decided to expand it to 4.5 stars as well. The list starts from the most recently read. I read the first three this year, and the latter seven last year.

1. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Septys


As you’ll see again, I have become a Ruta Septys fan this year. She writes such moving historical fiction about pockets of history that are very well-known. I will admit I was a little confused in the beginning of this book, but I got to know these characters and their stories and that made the journey for me. Loved it.

2. The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


This was enjoyable for me all the way through and the ending legitimately shocked me! I’m looking forward to The Long Game!

3. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Septys


Again, just seriously heartbreaking but good. The ending of this one felt abrupt for me, but upon further reflection I understood why she chose to end it as she did.

4. Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


While I enjoyed The Naturals, the pacing for Killer Instinct was on-point the whole time!

5. Winter by Marissa Meyer


While still not my favorite of the series, nor what I believe to the strongest book of the series, Winter was a satisfying ending for The Lunar Chronicles.

6. Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson


Even though in hindsight I see Don’t Touch more as a four star read, I reviewed it with a 4.5 star rating, and I did really enjoy it as I read it. It’s definitely underrated in the YA book world, and I think it’s worth a read if you have any interest in YA fiction exploring mental health.

7. On The Fence by Kasie West


Kasie West is all about the fluffy contemporary, though this one did have a more serious undertone towards the end. What I enjoyed most about it, however, was the friendship-turned-romance between Charlie and Braden.

8. The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand


Sucker punch to the gut, in the best way possible.

9. The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson


THAT ENDING. How did Brandon Sanderson make me love it and hate it but mostly love it all at once?

10. The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord


If you’ve read my blog ever, you know how I feel about this one. Slow burn, nerdy banter, friendship… yes please!

What are some your latest 5 (or 4.5) star rated books (or new favorites if you don’t rate)? If you’ve read any of these books, did you also rate them high?

The Top 10 Books On My Spring TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books on my Spring TBR. In no particular order…

1. The Unbound by Victoria Schwab


I’ve got to read it now that I have an autographed copy!

2. Calamity by Brandon Sanderson


I’m impatiently waiting for my library copy to become available and excited to see how Brandon Sanderson ends the series! (Though did you hear about the new series that is an alternate universe to what we see in The Reckoners?! WHAAAAAT.)

3. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard


I’m one of those writers who has come to love Susan Dennard exclusively for her candidness about writing and publishing, but I’ve been meaning to read one of her books, and this is my book club’s next pick so it’s about time!

4. Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs


Annie’s Let’s All Be Brave was in my top 3 favorite books I read last year, so I’m excited for her new book coming out next month and can’t wait to read it!

5. The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord (Reread)


I think I’ve decided to reread another one of my fave books from last year when I go on vacation in May!

6. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen


I’ve been reading one Jane Austen book a year for some time, and this is my last Jane Austen novel to read, so I want to knock it off earlier in the year rather than later.

7. On The Loose by Jenny B. Jones


I enjoyed the first book of this series, In Between, and want to dive back into Katie’s world sometime soon!

8. The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski


I’m ready to see how this trilogy ends!

9. When We Collided by Emery Lord


New Emery Lord! Enough said!

10. Out of the Easy by Ruta Septys


Pro of reading this book: I have read all of Ruta’s books this year! 🙂 Con: I will have no more Ruta books to read for a while. 🙁

What’s on your TBR for this spring?