I’m excited about several movies coming out this month: Ender’s Game, The Book Thief, Thor 2, and Catching Fire, and I’m also excited for some other upcoming movies that recently released trailers. But first, the final Catching Fire trailer…
So excited! I’m still firm in my belief it’s going to be better than the first movie. Then Captain America: The Winter Soldier…
Captain America is my favorite Avenger because he’s such a gentleman! But he also knows how to take care of bad guys! And then last but not least, the new X-Men movie…
The trailer has made me really excited about the movie. I have shared before that X-Men is not my favorite franchise, but this looks really good, And though his role is minor, I’m glad Shawn Ashmore is back; he was my favorite in high school.
Any other good trailers you’ve seen recently? What movie are you most excited for?
Ender’s Game!!!!
Got tickets for early showing tomorrow at 8PM. Wife gets off of finally hearing about it for so long.
I have a few friends who got to watch an early screening of it yesterday! It sounds like they liked it. I hope to see it Friday or Saturday.
All of the above! Sooooo excited for all of them, I can’t decide which one I’m MOST excited for! Maybe CA2 since I’m a little Chris-biased but… urgh, super mutants! Katniss’s dresses!
Yay, more love for Captain America!
Oh, I want to watch all three movies that you posted the trailers of. But I haven’t actually seen any of the trailers. I haven’t really been seeing trailers recently, the last being for the The Hobbit part 2. Plus for these particular ones, I’m already sold on them…I’ve already seen the first or previous movies of the series and like them…so it’s no longer if I’m watching these sequels…I’m totally going to see them
Of course I was already pretty sold on seeing all these, it’s just fun to watch the trailers!
So much awesome in one post
I literally got goosebumps watching the X-Men one. I heart the X-Men. A lot.
It looks amazing!
Awesome round up! I didn’t know the trailer for Captain America: Winter Soldier or X-Men: Days of Future Past were out yet! I’m excited for all these movies! This month I think I’m most excited about Thor 2. I loved the first one! I’m also really excited about About Time–I love time travel and I think that movie looks so cute.
I don’t think I’m familiar with About Time… I’ll have to look it up! Sounds interesting!
Umm, all of them!! lol I can’t pick one! They all look so good and are all movie franchises that I really enjoy
I am super excited for all of these! I got so excited when I saw the new X-Men one that sadly I almost squealed! And Captain America – Chris Evans is just yummy!
Have you seen the new Thor movie yet? Chris Evans makes a quick and fun cameo in it!
Yeah, I saw that (that Chris aint bad either!
). No one in the audience knew that was going to happen and when Captain America came on the screen everyone clapped! Loved it!