My Top 10 Movie Anticipations for 2014

Thanks to Yahoo’s list of most anticipated films of 2014, I was able to comb through and figure out what was coming out and what I am anticipating as well!

10. The Monuments Men

Expected Release: February 7, 2014

The premise seems interesting, and  of course the cast is star-studded. As long as this one isn’t full of vulgarity (it hasn’t been rated yet) I’ll be interested to see this one.

9. Divergent

Expected Release: March 21, 2014

The trend of adapting YA books to the big screen continues in 2014, and other than Mockingjay (duh), this is the one I’m most looking forward to seeing.

8. Unbroken

Expected Release: December 25, 2014

This has the potential to be amazing, and as you may remember I raved about this book as my favorite read of 2013. But also because of my deep love for this story, I really want to see it done justice. I am excited to see that Garrett Hedlund is in the movie, though I don’t even remember the person he is portraying. I am also a little wary because Angelina Jolie is directing it and I have no idea what her directing chops are like, and the Coen brothers wrote the screenplay (I saw True Grit and was quite unimpressed). So basically, this means it will probably win Oscars and I’ll hate it. I hope I’ll like it. I want to love it.

7. X-Men: Days of Future Past

Expected Release: May 23, 2014

The trailer for this one really amazed me. It looks incredible, but I am still slightly wary, which is why it’s only #7 on my list. Other than X-Men: First Class, which I am hoping this movie will be along the same vein of, I have remained largely unimpressed with the X-Men franchise. But I hope this one is as awesome as the trailer makes it seem.

6. The Hobbit: There and Back Again

Expected Release: December 17, 2014

It’s hard for me to be super pumped for this one since I actually haven’t seen the second installment of The Hobbit trilogy yet, but I’m hoping once I do that I’ll be more excited for this final chapter! (Or I assume, I mean, I guess we never know with Peter Jackson…)

5. Interstellar

Expected Release: November 7, 2014

I want to be way more excited for this, because Christopher Nolan is my absolute favorite filmmaker AND storyteller. I just think he does incredible work. But the first trailer bored me, and I’m not a huge fan of Matthew McConaughey or Topher Grace. I want to be super excited, but I’m actually very wary. The only reason this movie is even on this list, and especially at this point on this list, is because of my love for C. Nolan. So please prove me wrong about all my current feelings about this movie, Christopher Nolan. Please release a better trailer soon and remind me why I love your stories so much. Please prove me very, very wrong.

4. Transcendence

Expected Release: April 18, 2014

This sci-fi thriller looks like it has the potential to be AMAZING. But, I’m trying to keep my excitement in check after Oblivion burned me in 2013. The director has worked on a lot of Christopher Nolan’s movies, so that’s somewhat promising.

3. How to Train Your Dragon 2

Expected Release: June 13, 2014

I ADORED How to Train Your Dragon, and it is easily one of my favorite animated films. The sequel looks pretty good, and I’m hoping it delivers!

2. Captain America: Winter’s Soldier

Expected Release: April 4, 2014

Captain America is my favorite of the Avengers because Steve Rogers!!! He’s the perfect 1940’s gentleman, and I love his character. So naturally, I am excited about his second movie. And Hayley Atwell and Dominic Cooper are both credited to reprise their roles on IMDB so… that’s also interesting. Of course, it might just be flashbacks to torture me and remind me that Steve and Peggy are living decades apart now. *cries*

1. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part One

Expected Release: November 21, 2014

After the amazingness of Catching Fire this last year, how can this not be my number one anticipation?! OK, I think the pacing in Mockingjay the book is actually really crappy and it’s my least favorite book of the trilogy, but I have faith it’s going to be good, and I’m excited!

Some lovely fan art.

Others I might be interested in: The Giver adaptation, Exodus (with Christian Bale!) and Noah are both Biblical adaptations that can be interesting or just weird, Edge of Tomorrow is a Tom Cruise sci-fi movie that could  have potential, and The Maze Runner adaptation.


The Amazing Spider-man 2 will be a renter.

And who knows what else may spring up on me! I hope I see a few more new movies this year than I did last year!

What movies are you anticipating in 2014?

31 Responses to My Top 10 Movie Anticipations for 2014

      • Interesting, though fair enough. I also like Topher Grace. Go figure.

        1- X-Men (cautiously, but hopeful)
        2 – Captain America (a very close second)
        3 – Veronica Mars
        4 – Guardians of the Galaxy
        5 – Spider-Man
        6 – Jack Ryan
        7 – How to Train Your Dragon 2
        8 – The Hobbit 3
        9 – Transformers 4 (because I’m a glutton for punishment)
        10 – Noah (could have easily been Exodus, but I have seen trailer for this)

        Honorable Mentions: Divergent, Godzilla, Exodus

      • Shoot! I forgot Mockingjay (which might mean I’m not looking forward to it that much, but that doesn’t make sense. Darn the rules!). Dadgummit. Add it before How to Train Your Dragon, drop Exodus to Honorable Mention.

  1. So I ONLY learned about The Giver last night and I can’t believe I didn’t hear about it sooner because 1. I love the book. 2. Alexander Scarsgard is in it!

    Outside of that, I’m excited for Divergent, Mockingjay and Captain America. I’m interested in Vampire Academy, but not really sure what to think based off of the previews, I feel like it doesn’t look as serious as I imagined from the books.

    And How To Train Your Dragon 2 does look adorable! K is obsessed with dragons (I’m training her right), so this might be a movie she needs to go see 🙂

  2. My guess is Monuments Men will be rated PG-13. There’s nothing in the trailer to suggest it’s going to be excessively bloody, especially with the comedic elements. And so they’ll want to get as many people as possible to see it which means PG-13. I hadn’t seen that trailer before but it looks like the war version of Ocean’s 11 🙂

    I was going to ask about Edge of Tomorrow. I think that definitely looks interesting and I like Emily Blunt more with every new thing I see her in.

    Captain America is at the very top of my list. Followed by X-Men. I’m not a fan of Bryan Singer but I think that trailer looks really good so my hopes are perhaps higher than they should be. But what about Guardians of the Galaxy? I’m not sure what to think of it but since it’s Marvel I’ll give it a shot.

    I refuse to watch Darren Aronofsky films so I’m already convinced Noah will be awful 🙂

    I think Christopher Nolan is really talented and I’m definitely curious to see Interstellar. I think he brings out the best in a lot of actors but his movies generally aren’t my favorites. They’re very well done and interesting and I love that he brings unique stories to Hollywood but he’s a really cerebral director so his movies are hollow emotionally and I like emotion in my stories.

    How to Train Your Dragon 2 looks really good. I’m leery about the Hunger Games but ready to see how Peter Jackson end The Hobbit.

    • I think it will be too, but sometimes I get surprised.

      I’m not familiar with Guardians of the Galaxy, so I’ll have to look into that.

      I’ve never seen one of Darren’s films before, so I have nothing to base my expectations off of there.

      I mentioned this before when you said that Inception was emotionally lacking for you, but for me that is so not the case. I will admit that Batman Begins and The Prestige didn’t give me a ton of feelings, but The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises (especially it) and Inception all really hit me emotionally. I think this films say so much about humanity.

  3. I loved How to Train Your Dragon! I had no idea they were making a sequel – I really, really hope it’s good. All too often the sequel is a huge disappointment, so I’ll keep my expectations a little on the low side, but very exciting! And of course I’m also looking forward to Mockingjay. 😉

  4. I definitely need to go to the theater more often. It’s just so expensive and I always, always end up next to the person who brought their 3 year-old or who needs to keep checking their phone. I just prefer my couch and movies come out on DVD so quickly nowadays. That said, I do like to go to the theater for the “bigger” movies. Definitely looking forward to the new X-Men and Captain America movies. I want to see Divergent although it will probably be a renter. Monument Men has an amazing cast. I loved, loved, loved all of the LotR movies. I liked the Hobbit alright, but still need to see the second one, as well. I think I might do that tonight actually. I’ve heard it’s a lot better than the first. Love Christopher Nolan. Yeah, I’m pretty much excited for all of these, too!

    • Divergent might be a renter for me too, since my husband hasn’t read the books and I don’t feel the need to drag him to theater for it (though I think he’ll probably like the movie fine). I’m still looking forward to seeing it though.

  5. The first thing that came out of mouth after watching the How to Train Your Dragon 2 trailer with a friend was “gosh, Hiccup is so handsome”. I know, I know, I should be commenting on the gorgeous animation or be worried about how they will handle the plot of the sequel. But really, all I can focus on is how our wimpy, skinny little Hiccup has become a hot guy.

    I’m also really excited for The Monument Men! I really do hope that it’s going to be rated PG-13. I will have to do some major parent-convincing if it is higher than that. And I absolutely cannot wait for Mockingjay. Catching Fire was just amazing and a major improvement from The Hunger Games… Just imagine what Mockingjay will be like!

    I haven’t read Divergent, nor do I plan to, but I want to see the movie a lot. It is not because of a shirtless Theo.

    • Hiccup did grow up nicely for an animated guy!

      Shirtless Theo… ha ha… I’m sure that will bring a lot of teenage (and probably some older too) girls to the theater!

  6. I’m not really psyched for Divergent, mostly because I feel that the casting was all wrong. TFiOS . . . I’m scared for that one, because I don’t think the book would translate well to film, considering how I liked the book only because of Hazel’s narrative. But Mockingjay! After HG and Catching Fire (OMG) I think the series is in really good hands. How to Train Your Dragon 2 is purely a shallow interest, because when I saw the teaser trailer, with Hiccup and Toothless flying the skies, and then Hiccup took off his helmet in the end. And I could only stare and wonder why puberty didn’t turn me hot and give me leather clothes. (Told you: shallow. I mean, I was so sad his voice wasn’t sexier)

    And I don’t think I would want to watch the Giver. The decision to change the ages ruins the message (and no to Taylor Bitchy Swift). As for The Giver, I didn’t like the book, but once again, shallow interest. The guy playing Thomas is quite cuuute. Eheehee.

    (I’ve made you cringe and you’re never going to look at me in the same way again, aren’t you?)

    • I don’t know enough about most of the actors and actresses in Divergent to say if they’re right or not, but it is distracting to me that two of the same people are also going to be in TFiOS. Which since I haven’t read that book yet, I don’t know how it’ll translate to film, but I understand your point about the narrative.

      You’re not alone in your thoughts about Hiccup! Lesley Marie made the same point. He really isn’t bad looking for an animated character. I don’t think less of you for that.

      I agree it was totally wrong for them to change the ages for The Giver. I mean, Taylor Swift is an adult for goodness’ sake!

      • I repeat. IT JUST RUINS THE WHOLE THING. Like, it’s a great and powerful message about how a kid has to bear so much responsibility and traumatic memories. Make them older, and it reduces the lesson. And I wonder what they’re going to come up with to gloss over the ceremonies. I liked how there was something that happened at every age, and I wonder how they’re going to fill the gap in.

        They’re probably going to ignore it and I don’t like that! NNNNFFFF

  7. All of those movies look very interesting. I’m mostly looking forward to the final Hobbit and the comic book movies.

  8. Really looking forward to The Monuments Men from an art history POV, excited about Divergent…had no idea there was a sequel to How Train Your Dragon coming! 😀 I may be most excited about The Book Thief. And The Fault In Our Stars will make me cry for sure!

  9. You know, I just can’t decide if I’m interested in The Monuments Men or not. I think it had potential to be good, but for some reason I’m not convinced. I do think that Transcendence looks absolutely fascinating!! I can’t wait for that one! I don’t know who Christopher Nolan is, but I don’t really like Matthew McConaughey or Topher Grace either, and that trailer surely did not convince me I was interested. Hrrrrm….

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