Top Ten Books I Read In 2014

Top Ten Tuesday topic is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books I Read In 2014, and this list is counting up to my favorite read of the year.

10. Code Name Verity

code-name-verityMy Review

9. The Screwtape Letters

screwtape-letters8. The 5th Wave


7. The Leviathan Trilogy


6. The Winner’s Curse


5. Harry Potter (Books 1-3)

gr-harrypotter3Review for The Sorcerer’s Stone/Review for The Chamber of Secrets

4. Seraphina

GR-seraphinaMy Review

3. The Grisha Trilogy

grisha-trilogy-coversMini Review for Shadow and Bone/Double Review for Siege and Storm & Ruin and Rising

2. Across a Star-Swept Sea

acrossastarsweptMy Review

1. Cress

cressMy Review

What were your favorite books of the year?

30 Responses to Top Ten Books I Read In 2014

  1. So many fantastic books on this list! I love Code Name Verity, Harry Potter, Seraphina, the Grisha trilogy, and Cress. Yay for great speculative fiction! I’m hoping to read Across a Star-Swept Sea and the Leviathan trilogy soon myself, because they sound like books I’d also adore.

    • A lot of people loved Azkaban! I probably had too high of expectations because I spent most of the book “waiting” for it to get good (I mean, it was good, but not AMAZING), and then the end was really good! Looking forward to reading the rest!

  2. Cress, Ruin and Rising and The Winner’s Curse all made my Top Ten list of 2014! I’ve been meaning to read For Darkness Shows the Stars for a while now… I’m hoping to get to it early next year!

  3. I still think it’s the coolest thing that you’ve read The Screwtape Letters. I’ve never talked to anyone else online that’s read it!

    I can’t wait to see what you think of the last four HP books – they’re really amazing. But then again I’m totally biased 😛

    • I love C.S. Lewis! I’ve been meaning to read The Screwtape Letters for a long time (though confession: I ended up not loving the book AS much as I thought I would because I had read so many quotes from it I felt I kind of already knew all the “good parts,” but the narrative proved to be interesting!) and I definitely need to read more by him (particularly his non-fiction).

      I think everyone’s biased when it comes to Harry Potter, so that’s OK! 🙂

  4. Code Name Verity!

    … Okay, so I haven’t read it yet, but I *did* read Rose Under Fire, which made me cry. I actually gave up on Verity because the beginning was too slow for me, but now that everyone’s saying how good it is, I’m willing to give it another try and just be more patient this time, darnit. And whoo, The 5th Wave made it to the list! I’m currently reading it now, but so far I’m not that impressed — yet. I do love Cassie’s voice, though, and her personality.

    Hehe, I love how Harry Potter made your list even though it’s not a new release. Which reminds me, I still need to do this year’s re-read of the series. Totally agree with the Grisha trilogy. The last book was every bit as epic as I had expected it to be, and I love how it ended. I teared up when I got to the part where, you know, STURMHOND.

    Wow, Cress was your best read of the year?! I really need to get cracking on the Lunar Chronicles! Kelley was so sweet to send me a copy of Scarlet for Christmas, so now all I need is to read it! Should be soon, though — I adored Cinder. <3

    • I haven’t read Rose Under Fire yet, but I think I’ll have to! I agree that the beginning of Code Name Verity is EXTREMELY slow. If you read my review, I actually didn’t get a real connection with the story until Part Two… which I think it over the halfway point! I only stuck it out because everyone said it was awesome, and the last bit really does get you!

      And speaking of slow beginnings, The 5th Wave was similarly a little bit slow at first too, but it also picks up and there is just so much *psychology* in it that made me ultimately appreciate it so much. Hopefully it will pick up for you as well.

      And you know, this list is top books I read in 2014, and I read HP for the first time this year, so it applies!

      And YES, read The Lunar Chronicles! I have not been able to rate anything 5 stars this year since reading Cress because everything was just BAM BAM BAM so perfect for me in that book. I loved Cinder and Scarlet, but they were both 4 star books for me as they had their flaws, but Cress was everything I wanted. Can’t wait for you to read it!

  5. Man, what a FANTASTIC list! And I’ve read most of these — woot! I remember a fellow student at culinary school recommended The Screwtape Letters to me years ago and I have yet to read it. But seeing as it’s one of your top ten for this year, maybe I should put it higher up on my TBR.

    • I had never really read a dragon story before so I was pretty amazed by how much I loved it! Though I loved it mostly for the characters! They have really stuck with me!

  6. HAHAHA I liked how you just stuck a whole series in there. ANYWAYS. First off I got Seraphina on audio book so I’ll be listening to that in the car tomorrow. AND second, YAY CODE NAME VERITY. That is such a beautiful but sad book. I’m also reading the Winner’s Curse over break, AND YAYAYYAYAY CRESS. That was also one of my top reads of the year 🙂

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