My TWO Year Blogversary!

Wow, this really sneaked up on me! I can hardly believe that I have blogging here for two years!

jlaw-excitedI love the interactions I have on here with all of you; I especially love coming up with posts for my feature Bookish Wedding Inspiration, interacting through discussions, and sharing my favorite episodes of Star Trek. So a big THANK YOU to everyone who has ever left a comment or read a post on here, and even more thanks to my most frequent readers/commenters. You know who you are, and so do I, and I really, truly appreciate that you spend your free time on my blog. I’ve discovered so many awesome books and authors and learned so much from all of you that I never would have otherwise!

So once again…


for a fabulous two years, and…


22 Responses to My TWO Year Blogversary!

  1. Happy second blogoversary, Amy! It’s such an awesome achievement, and you’ve got so much to show for it ^.^

    And I definitely get what you mean about wanting to keep a blog running, even with an author websites. It’s such a different kind of interaction here than the ones you see on the sites of all the authors. I hope that you can keep both going when the day comes 😀

  2. Happy blogoversary Amy!! Two years and I’m glad you still feel like going on with this blog for awhile yet! I would really miss your posts – not just the Trek ones! 😀 I hope you’ll make lots of progress with the writing though and we will get two websites to check in on 🙂

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