
After a lot of thought, I have decided to go on a blogging hiatus effective immediately and going through July. I know it’s a long time, but I think it will be good for me. In my 2+ years of blogging here I’ve never been on hiatus, and I have become a bit burned out on it. But my writing otherwise is slowly thriving, and there are things in my everyday life I am trying to figure out. The latter is nothing dramatic, but just the same, I think it’ll be good for me to not have to feel like I have blogging hanging over my head, because lately I’ve had thoughts like, Oh, I guess I ought to write at least one post this week.

I do intend to come back to blogging, and I’m hoping I will feel rejuvenated in August. And I’m definitely not falling off the face of the planet; you’ll still see me on Twitter, Goodreads, Tumblr, Pinterest, and commenting on your blog a week after your post, ha. (Except there are some I actually manage to read the day of. Don’t ask me to explain my methods because I don’t understand them either.)

So until next time…

13 Responses to Hiatus

  1. Wow, I can’t believe this is only your first hiatus! I really believe that blogging shouldn’t take precedence over really important things IRL, I hope you make progress in your writing and get some much-deserved thinking/”me” time. I’ll miss your lovely posts! 🙂

  2. I’ve just taken a two-month break as well (returning in July) and it was definitely the right decision for me. I was burned out beyond belief and I really needed to focus on taking care of my anxiety and depression. Hope you can figure everything out and looking forward to reading your stuff again in August!

  3. Have a very enjoyable break! It seems like more and more bloggers are taking the opportunity to get away from the blog for a bit and that’s great! You’ll feel more rejuvenated when you return. I was glad to see your Star Trek TNG post on tumblr though! 🙂

  4. oh I haven’t been around so long I didn’t realize you were on hiatus..I have been trying to ask if you mind that I got a bit of inspiration from you on your list of blog names you considered and went with the Dr. Who quote for my new blog..since I love that show. I hope you don’t mind and I certainly want to credit you with the idea.

  5. *facepalm* I am so late to this. I haven’t been doing much on the blogosphere these days either, but I hope this hiatus helps you get back onto your feet, Amy! So far hiatuses have always worked out well for me. 😀 Looking forward to your return in August~!

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