I haven’t been very inspired to post lately, and I thought I might make myself write some reviews. But then I thought, why don’t I just share what’s on my mind? Isn’t that why I created this blog in the first place?
I like the idea of resolutions, goals, and new beginnings like most other people, but I don’t like the hype of New Year’s and I don’t like making promises I won’t keep. So this year, I kind of just decided to not really make any real resolutions. I thought this was a good idea, and then I read somewhere that not making resolutions or goals because you’re afraid of failing is not a good reason to not make them, and I thought, ouch, OK. But then I still didn’t made any.
I don’t want to make resolutions just for the sake of making them either though. I like having direction but right now the only direction I feel really compelled to go in is to keep doing what I’ve been doing. So last year I hoped would be the year I would start querying agents, and it wasn’t, so now I really hope it’s this year and will continue to work towards that. I don’t have any big goals otherwise. I do anticipate things will change in my life, for example, I know my husband and I will be moving into a new house this year, but it’s not like anything I am resolving to do majorly different. Basically, I am just going to keep going forward until I feel it’s time to make changes. I feel like I am usually aware of what needs improvement in my life and can usually devote myself to at least taking small steps in the right direction.
I asked for this big calendar for Christmas that is all the months together, so you see the year at a glance and you see it more so by weeks than months. It’s a neat idea and I wanted to write all kinds of things on there, but right now it’s just blank. Part of me is upset by this, but then I realize I don’t want to write things on there just to fill up blank spaces. When I get ready to send my story to beta readers, I will write the day I’ll send, along with a targeted deadline for my next step. I’ll fill it out as I go, taking one goal at a time. I don’t want to say today I will query by May and then life happens and it’s too early or I get some crazy creative mojo and it’s late.
So there has been no pomp and circumstance for me in 2016, but I aspire to be do my best everyday. To each day be realistic with what I need to get done and find out how I can do it. And if I mess up that day, I don’t want to beat myself up; I’ll start fresh again the next day.
One thing I am working on pretty faithfully these days, since it’s clearly not this blog, is my new bookstagram Instagram account. Please check it out and follow me if you haven’t already! I’ve gotten a decent number of likes and comments and such, and try to do the same for other accounts, but I don’t have very many followers.
How’s this new year looking for you? Do you have a lot of big resolutions, or has it been a more quiet beginning?
This is the kind of resolutions I like to make – not specifically for a new year, but do my best as I go, and make changes when I feel it’s necessary. I am with you on that! I hope you’ll reach your goal of querying and beta testing this year! It sounds so exciting!
Glad to know I’m not alone! And thanks, I hope so too!
I hope your move goes well, but more importantly, I hope you do succeed with querying! *hugs* I know you can do it, Amy.
Thanks so much, Shannelle! 🙂
All the hoopla around NY resolutions at this time of year can be a bit overwhelming. I think sometimes there’s too much emphasis on pie-in-the-sky goals, when in reality people might be more likely to succeed if they set themselves to something simple and realistic, like you have. I’m sure you’re going to have a successful 2016. 🙂
Thanks, I hope so!