Top 5 Books I’ve Recently Added To My “Maybe” TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top 10 Books I’ve Recently Added To My TBR.

I’ve gotten very picky about my actual TBR list on Goodreads, sticking most reads that sound interesting on a “maybe” shelf, because I know I won’t get around to reading 75% of them. Some stay on the maybe shelf until I read them. But most will stay on the maybe shelf indefinitely. So today I thought I would share a few of these recently added to the maybe shelf that do have some stronger interest from me, and your thoughts on them could push me one way or the other! The list is no particular order.

1. The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love

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This doesn’t come out until this summer so it will probably be a while before I see reviews. But geeky romance! I mean, it sounds awesome!

2. Red Rising


Sometimes a book has to be out for two years and I have to hear people outside the YA community talking about it to be like huh, maybe I should check this out… If I do read it, I’ll probably wait until the last book is out and binge.

3. These Vicious Masks


Jane Austen meets X-Men?! Yeah, so only bad reviews will keep me away from this, I’m pretty sure.

4. Passenger


Current NYT best-seller, lots of hype, but mixed reviews, plus the time-travel romance is always something I want to love but doesn’t always work for me. So… we’ll see?

5. My Lady Jane


Comedic historical fiction + Cynthia Hand as one of the authors = I’m intrigued. This one also has a summer release date.

Have you read any of these? Are any of them on your TBR? 

Mini Review Roundup

It’s been ages since I’ve written a real book review (November to be exact), so I thought I was overdue to share a few thoughts on some of my reads from December and my first read of the new year.

Killer Instinct (The Naturals #2) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Contemporary/Thriller YA


I read The Naturals more than a year ago and I was slightly worried about remembering enough about Cassie and company after so much time away (yay book amnesia), but I had no problems getting back into the swing of things! I enjoyed this one even more than the first; I thought the pacing was spot-on and I was engaged the whole time. I hated the love triangle in the first book and I thought I had read in a review that it was even more pronounced in this one, but it actually bothered me less this time. She does choose someone at the end, but since there are at least two more books I’m a little curious if this is her final choice or not. I don’t have a strong preference between the guys but I’d hate for her to go back and forth. Overall though, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next one!

4 stars/Content advisory: some violence

My True Love Gave to Me, edited by Stephanie Perkins

Holiday Young Adult – Some Contemporary, Some Magical Realism


I finally got to read this anthology this past holiday season and it was definitely a mixed bag for me. You can see my Goodreads review where I broke down my thoughts on each individual story, but I did not finish two of the stories, while a couple of others really stood out to me. My favorite overall turned out to be Stephanie Perkins’ story, which felt appropriate since it’s her anthology, and I was excited to find out that in her upcoming summer anthology, Summer Days and Summer Nights, we’ll get follow-up with the same characters!

3 stars overall/Content varies by story

In Between (Katie Parker Productions #1) by Jenny B. Jones

Contemporary Christian YA


I had gotten the e-book of this one for cheap or free a while ago and let it sit in my Nook for a long time. I had read one previous book by Jenny B. Jones and liked it but didn’t love it. I was also nervous because I feel that most Christian books are either not as well edited or they’re a little on the cheesy side, but I always want to find good Christian literature so I pick up something from the genre every now and then. I wouldn’t really recommend this book to people who are not familiar with church or Christian culture, even though Katie herself is not familiar with many of the terms used by others in the story either, however, I didn’t think it was cheesy at all.

The main character, Katie, has a great voice, and she made me laugh quite a few times! There were several great, quirky characters who felt natural and made the story fun, even with some serious elements thrown in. There was no romance for Katie in this book, which I missed a little but was OK with under the circumstances, but it looks like there will be in future books. There are three more books in the series and I definitely intend to continue!

4 stars

Quidditch Through the Ages (Hogwarts Library) by Kennilworthy Whisp (J.K. Rowling)


I love quidditch, but learning about it wasn’t quite as fun as I hoped it would be. There were some interesting tidbits though, and it was a fast read.

3 stars

The Archived (The Archived #1) by Victoria Schwab 

Young Adult


This was my first Schwab book! And it was very different from what I was expecting. I knew this book wasn’t a typical fantasy, but I thought it was going to be more fantasy rather than the contemporary/urban fantasy?/magical realism?/I have no idea what the heck to call this genre it was. That wasn’t bad though, just very unexpected. I had a hard time really grasping the idea of the Archived and Keepers and all that. I mean, it was explained well enough, but I never felt like I really understood why everything existed and why everything was the way it was. Maybe – probably – I was just supposed to accept it as it was, but it didn’t make sense to me.

I liked Mackenzie well enough but she also drove me crazy with how she would never tell anyone anything. The whole thing with Owen was kind of creepy and I did not like it. I did really like Wes though, and he’s pretty much the main reason I want to read the next book.

4 stars/Content advisory: Some language, violence

Have you read any of these books? What are your thoughts?

A Quiet Beginning to a New Year

I haven’t been very inspired to post lately, and I thought I might make myself write some reviews. But then I thought, why don’t I just share what’s on my mind? Isn’t that why I created this blog in the first place?

I like the idea of resolutions, goals, and new beginnings like most other people, but I don’t like the hype of New Year’s and I don’t like making promises I won’t keep. So this year, I kind of just decided to not really make any real resolutions. I thought this was a good idea, and then I read somewhere that not making resolutions or goals because you’re afraid of failing is not a good reason to not make them, and I thought, ouch, OK. But then I still didn’t made any.

I don’t want to make resolutions just for the sake of making them either though. I like having direction but right now the only direction I feel really compelled to go in is to keep doing what I’ve been doing. So last year I hoped would be the year I would start querying agents, and it wasn’t, so now I really hope it’s this year and will continue to work towards that. I don’t have any big goals otherwise. I do anticipate things will change in my life, for example, I know my husband and I will be moving into a new house this year, but it’s not like anything I am resolving to do majorly different. Basically, I am just going to keep going forward until I feel it’s time to make changes. I feel like I am usually aware of what  needs improvement in my life and can usually devote myself to at least taking small steps in the right direction.

I asked for this big calendar for Christmas that is all the months together, so you see the year at a glance and you see it more so by weeks than months. It’s a neat idea and I wanted to write all kinds of things on there, but right now it’s just blank. Part of me is upset by this, but then I realize I don’t want to write things on there just to fill up blank spaces. When I get ready to send my story to beta readers, I will write the day I’ll send, along with a targeted deadline for my next step. I’ll fill it out as I go, taking one goal at a time. I don’t want to say today I will query by May and then life happens and it’s too early or I get some crazy creative mojo and it’s late.

So there has been no pomp and circumstance for me in 2016, but I aspire to be do my best everyday. To each day be realistic with what I need to get done and find out how I can do it. And if I mess up that day, I don’t want to beat myself up; I’ll start fresh again the next day.

One thing I am working on pretty faithfully these days, since it’s clearly not this blog, is my new bookstagram Instagram account. Please check it out and follow me if you haven’t already! I’ve gotten a decent number of likes and comments and such, and try to do the same for other accounts, but I don’t have very many followers.

How’s this new year looking for you? Do you have a lot of big resolutions, or has it been a more quiet beginning? 

My Top 10 Anticipated Films of 2016

I was considering whether or not to create this list since I rarely actually watch all the movies on these lists, but my husband made this just about one of the easiest posts for me to write by providing me with his list. I literally changed one movie, rearranged the order, and presto, my list was born. Plus, I think I actually will watch all these movies unless they are universally panned.

1o. The 5th Wave


I probably won’t see this in the theater, but I’m hoping it’ll be good enough for a Redbox rental. The thing I’m most excited about with this adapatation is seeing Liev Schreiber because that casting was perfect.

9. Independence Day: Resurgence


When I heard this was happening I groaned, but then I saw the trailer and thought, wow, this looks legit…

8. X-Men: Apocalypse


I mean, it’s X-Men, so I’ll watch it.

7. Untitled Next Bourne Chapter

This is another Matt Damon Bourne film as opposed to Jeremy Renner, and that’s about all we know. I love the Jeremy Renner one most, but I’ll still excited about this one.

6. Star Trek Beyond


I’m really hoping this will be OK since this movie’s gone through about 10 directors.

5. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

I don’t know what this is about except Star Wars, obviously. And not to be confused with Episode VIII. Felicity Jones is also starring and I really liked her in The Theory of Everything.

4. Doctor Strange


Benedict Cumberbatch + Marvel = winning.

3. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


Eddie Redmayne + J.K. Rowling = also winning.

2. Finding Dory


Because how can I resist this?

1. Captain America: Civil War


Even though I found the first trailer wanting, I know I’m going to eat this up.

What movies are you looking forward to in 2016?

End of Year Survey – 2015!

For the past two years I have enjoyed this end of year survey by Jamie at the Perpetual Page-Turner! This year I decided to only focus on the Best in Books section. (Below graphic by Jamie too)


1. Best Book You Read In 2015? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling. And yes, it was my FIRST TIME READING IT. I don’t think I have ever loved an ending so much.

2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t? SHADOW SCALE

3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read? Probably The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson, or All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill (both in good ways!)

4. Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did)? I keep pushing For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across a Star-Swept Sea (2013 and 2014 reads for me, respectively) and I think people are hearing my cry! I’ve also been pushing Mistborn and The Start of Me and You lately and I think that might be working too.


5. Best series you started in 2015? Best Sequel of 2015? Best Series Ender of 2015? Started: Mistborn/Sequel: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling/ Ender: Deathly Hallows

6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2015? Only time will tell for sure, but either Emery Lord or Annie F. Downs, I think.

7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone? For genre out of my comfort zone it would be Do Over by Jon Acuff, a non-fiction business book, but I’ve read most of his books so that feels a little like cheating. I read almost entirely YA fiction though so I think that’s the best option. I might need to read more out of my comfort zone next year!

8. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Though reading it while I had strep throat probably helped with the unputdownable part. All Our Yesterdays would probably be second.

9. Book You Read In 2015 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year? Probably The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord.

10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2015? The Start of Me and You and Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee. Obviously I like pretty sunsets/sunrises.

11. Most memorable character of 2015? Luna Lovegood from the HP books.

12. Most beautifully written book read in 2015? The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdeih.

13. Most Thought-Provoking/ Life-Changing Book of 2015? Let’s All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs. I needed it so much. Also, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath was super thought-provoking.

14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2015 to finally read? All the Harry Potter books I read. And Mistborn! Nikki has only been pushing it for forever, with good reason!

15. Favorite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2015? My first fave is a super long passage from The Hero of Ages from when Vin and Elend dance for the first time. MAJOR swoons right there. You can check out a portion of it on my Tumblr. For a shorter quote though, I’ll go with…


16.Shortest & Longest Book You Read In 2015? Shortest: Austenland by Shannon Hale: 197 pages. Longest: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling: 870 pages.

17. Book That Shocked You The Most The ending of The Hero of Ages was SHOCKING to me to say the least. I experienced a very wide range of emotions, but needless to say, I think it was definitely the right ending.

18. OTP OF THE YEAR Vin and Elend from Mistborn! Oh the bantery swoons! Second place goes to my non-canon ship of Luna and Neville (thank you Deathly Hallows part two movie for making this almost seem real!).

19. Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship Of The Year Harry and Hermione, though this was definitely intensified once again by the Deathly Hallows movie because THAT DANCE SCENE. <3

20. Favorite Book You Read in 2015 From An Author You’ve Read Previously Deathly Hallows & other HP books first, Mistborn trilogy second, Winter by Marissa Meyer third.

21. Best Book You Read In 2015 That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else/Peer Pressure: Mistborn

22. Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2015? When you’re married and nearly 30 this is sort of an awkward question, but if I had to choose it would be Max from The Start of Me and You. I mean, he knows Pride and Prejudice AND Firefly.

23. Best 2015 debut you read? Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson

24. Best Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year? I think the best worldbuilding would go to Rook by Sharon Cameron, but the most vivid setting would go to The Wrath and the Dawn. The latter was filled with so much rich description that I loved. The former’s world was so interesting, and though I’ll admit I didn’t complete understand some of it until I read the author’s note after the novel, I could tell it was very well-thought out and carefully crafted.

25. Book That Put A Smile On Your Face/Was The Most FUN To Read? The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord, Austenland by Shannon Hale, The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, and In Between by Jenny B. Jones.


26. Book That Made You Cry Or Nearly Cry in 2015? I think The Hero of Ages and The Deathly Hallows both  got me to tear up or nearly cry.

27. Hidden Gem Of The Year? Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson. This book deserves more love!

28. Book That Crushed Your Soul? The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand.

29. Most Unique Book You Read In 2015? The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

30. Book That Made You The Most Mad (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it)? Shadow Scale

Check out all the books I read and re-read here. Thankfully, I enjoyed almost everything I read this year, but obviously there were a few stand-outs mentioned a few times in this survey. 🙂 What were some of your favorite reads this year?