Category Archives: Top 10

The Top 10 Things on my Bookish Bucket List

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List. According to the ladies of The Broke and the Bookish, this may include things like meeting authors, reading x many books per year, finishing a daunting book, etc. This week’s list is in no particular order.

1. Meet Marissa Meyer

marissa-meyerThere are several authors I like and would enjoy meeting. But since Marissa Meyer is really becoming my favorite “current” author, I’d have to say she’s the author I’d definitely geek out/fangirl over the most if I had the chance to meet her, and I really hope to have the opportunity some day!

2. Visit a Hunger Games filming location

HenryRiver4When my husband and I went to Asheville last year, I looked into tours that took you around the District 12 village that was set up for The Hunger Games movie. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t going to work out for that trip, but since both the Asheville area (where they shot the first movie) and Atlanta (where they shot a lot of Catching Fire) are both very attainable drives for us, I hope I can visit some of these set locations sometime.

3. Finish Les Miserables… preferably this year

les-miserables-bookI started reading Les Miserables at the beginning of the year with the intention of reading small snippets at a time, hopefully finishing it by the end of the year. Well, I am reading it, and I do think it’s very good, but it’s hard to for me to read too many chapters in one sitting because of the way it’s written. And let’s just say at my current pace I am not set to finish by the end of the year. But maybe I can pick things up. Or maybe I’ll finish next year…

4. Read Harry Potter

harry-potter-seriesYes, I know. Let’s move on.

5. Read Lord of the Rings

LOTR111I’m crazy intimidated by this classic trilogy, but I want to read it.

6. Become a Published Author

snoopy-writerMy ULTIMATE bookish goal!

7. Take an archery lesson so I can feel like Katniss for a day

katniss-archerI think this is self-explanatory.

8. Read ALL of C.S. Lewis’ books

cslewisbooksSo I’d like to consider C.S. Lewis my favorite author of all time, but can I do that without having read all his books? So far I’ve read all of The Chronicles of Narnia and Till We Have Faces cover to cover, and I’ve read snippets of The Screwtape Letters and several of his nonfiction books. I own The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity, and let’s not forget that Lewis also wrote a space trilogy. Needless to say, I have a long way to go, but everything I’ve read by him so far I have enjoyed.

9. Read to my future children

bedtime-story2This seems like a really simplistic thing to say, but I’m sure it’s harder to put into action. I would like to tuck my kids into bed every night possible, and again, whenever possible, I want to carve out the time to read to them/with them. I think instilling books into a child’s life is important, and of course it is a great way to spend quality time with your child. I hope I will put this into practice one day.

10. Read all 6 of Jane Austen’s novels

jane-austen-booksI’m already halfway through with this item, and plan to continue reading one Austen novel a year until I’m finished.

What’s on your bookish bucket list? 

The Top Ten Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List. Is it just me, or is spring the shortest season ever? It technically starts in March and ends in June, but in Tennessee spring is basically a few random days in March, all of April, and the beginning of May. Then the summer heat comes and stays until usually October. Which believe me, I am not complaining about. I’ll take the heat over the cold any day. Anyhow, all that to say, I doubt I’ll read ten books this spring, and I doubt I’ll read all of these, as everything is always subject to change. But here are the next ten books I am at least aiming to read (list in order of when I will hypothetically read these books)…

1. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

ready-player-oneDoes it count if it’s my current read? Well, I just started it. And it’s easier for me if I do, OK?

2. The Distant Hours by Kate Morton

distant-hoursThis was loaned to me a couple of months ago and I have no interest in it, but I feel I just need to read it and return it. Who knows, maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. I hope so.

3. Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

steelheart-sandersonBecause I seriously need to read Brandon Sanderson and this has been patiently waiting in my Nook.

4. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

statistical-probabilityI won this one almost a year ago and still haven’t read it. But I will read it this spring.

5. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

the-5th-waveI got this one for my birthday last year and still haven’t read it. And no, I didn’t make it #5 just to be funny.

6. Split Second by Kasie West

split-secondI don’t have this one in my possession yet, but I want to get it and read it soon!

7. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

screwtape-lettersBecause after a long kick of YA it’ll be good to delve into something completely different, and though I just got it for Christmas (thanks husband!), I’ve been meaning to read it FOREVER.

8. The Partials by Dan Wells

the-partialsI got this one for my birthday last year, and since the whole series is out now, there’s really no reason to wait any longer to read it!

9. & 10. Wildcard Possibilities…


springTBRThis is a total cheat, but there are a number of books that I have been thinking about checking out from the library, and these are among them, so it’s very possible I might read two of any of these books. Or something completely different, you know.

What’s on your spring TBR list? 

The Top 10 Authors I Haven’t Read Yet

AKA, I promise I don’t hate male authors.

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Popular Authors I’ve Never Read. There are a lot of authors who have received a lot of love, and I just haven’t gotten around to reading their work yet. And when I compiled my list I was floored by just how many of these authors were men, hence my subtitle. I really do read male authors as well, but apparently I have a lot more to read! This week’s list is in no particular order.

And BTW, I know many of you out there are super passionate about these authors and these works, which is why I want to read them. However, insisting I must read so-and-so RIGHT AWAY! will not change their placement on my TBR list. I’ll get to them when I get to them. I know they’re AMAZING but my TBR priorities are set in a way that works for me.

1. J.K. Rowling

author-rowlingYes, I know, it’s crazy. But I fully intend to read Harry Potter one day! Let’s move on…

2. Rick Riordan

author2-rickriordanThe Percy Jackson books aren’t super high on my list since they’re more middle grade , but people seem to really love the characters so I want to check the books out.

3. Brandon Sanderson

author3-sandersonEveryone seems to love Brandon Sanderson and I even listen to his sage writing advice on a podcast (called Writing Excuses, in case you’re interested), but I haven’t read him yet. Steelheart is patiently waiting in my Nook though, so it will be read sooner rather than later.

4. Neil Gaiman

author4-gaimanI don’t know which Gaiman book I’ll turn to first – it seems everyone has their own favorite. But I do intend to pick up one of them one day. I did see the episode of Babylon 5 he wrote called “Day of the Dead.” That counts for something, right?

5. Philip K. Dick

author5-philipkdickPhilip K. Dick is a highly revered science fiction author whose works have often been adapted into movies. I definitely want to read one (or more!) of his books!

6. Stephen King

author6-kingI’ve never had an interest in Stephen King because I don’t do scary, but at the very least, I would like to read his writing memoir. After all, he is a master of the craft.

7. Ally Carter

author7-allycarterI don’t know where my random interest in the Gallagher Girls series has come from, but they seem like light, fun reads I might enjoy, so I hope to dive into them sometime.

8. Scott Westerfield

author8-westerfieldScott Westerfield’s Uglies series has intrigued me for a while, and he has other books that sound interesting too. One day I’ll get around to reading them!

9. John Green

author9-johngreenI have a confession: I tried reading some John Green and deemed it not for me. It was a sampler of a few chapters of each of his books that I got for free. I will say that I am pretty much totally turned off from Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines, but I do want to give The Fault in our Stars a shot.

10. Patrick Ness

author10-nessThe covers of Patrick Ness’s books all look like they belong in the horror genre, but that does not appear to actually be the case, and everyone raves about them. So one day, I’ll be sure to check out one of his books for myself.

What popular author have you not read yet but intend to?

My Top 10 Book Heroines

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is REWIND! (Pick from previous topics that you want to do again or may have missed) After looking over the list of past TTT topics, I decided on top 10 heroines. This week’s list is in no particular order.

1. Jo, Little Women

jo-readingI read Little Women in high school and I feel she was really the first character I just really clicked with in a big way. I had liked several other characters before her, but I felt if I lived in Jo’s time and with her family, I would be a lot like her, with her love for writing, reading, and theatre. She is often the rock for her sisters and I think she is a very strong character and a good role model for young ladies.

2. Katniss, The Hunger Games

katniss-archerI think most of us will agree that Katniss is a strong character, and not just because she manages to get out of The Hunger Games alive twice and stick it to President Snow, but because of how she takes care of the people she loves. Just the fact that she volunteers for Prim shows her character and bravery. She goes through a lot and goes through a lot of emotional turmoil because of it, but I think she comes out even stronger in the end, because she is finally able to allow herself to truly love someone to the point of being completely vulnerable with him.

3. Liesel, The Book Thief

liesel-bookthiefLiesel goes through a lot as a foster child living in Nazi-occupied Germany during WWII. She loses so much but also gains so much, and while her story is largely tragic, it also ends in hope, as she learns how to express herself through the words she has grown to love, and she is able to move forward in her life.

4. Cinder, The Lunar Chronicles

CinderWhen I started reading Cinder, it amazed me how quickly I connected with a cyborg character. She is strong and independent, and though there were times when she was uncertain how she was going to be able to move forward, she never truly gave up. And I love getting to see her throughout the rest of The Lunar Chronicles!

5. Elliot, For Darkness Shows the Stars

fordarknessshowsI love Elliot, and I’m just going to copy and paste what I said about her in my review of For Darkness Shows the Stars: “She was independent but still loved and leaned on others. She was smart and stood her ground. She was fiercely loyal and self-motivated. I related to her a lot, at least personality-wise. But instead of irritating me (except when she wouldn’t give Kai a chance to talk to her, but more on that later), she inspired me. But she was not perfect. She constantly struggled over the beliefs of what she was raised to believe versus the changes she was seeing in her world. Sometimes others had to guide her and remind her that they were there for her and that she didn’t have to fight her demons alone.”

6. Persis, Across a Star-Swept Sea

star-sweptI adore Persis… She is smart, cunning, determined, loyal, and independent. She’s not perfect, but she is so interesting and dynamic and I loved every moment I was reading about her.

7. Lucy, The Chronicles of Narnia

dawntreader-lucyLucy was the one to discover Narnia and to first truly believe in it. Though the youngest of her siblings, she was able to lead them to Narnia and to Aslan. In Prince Caspian, she is the one that sees Aslan before anyone else, and by the time of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, though she still has her struggles, she has also grown up so much since her first time there.

8. Elizabeth, Pride and Prejudice

elizabeth-p&pPerhaps as the main character of a romance classic Elizabeth does not seem like an obvious heroine, but she was willing to stand her ground against her mother’s wishes for matrimony, as well as against a match with a very wealthy man (though we all know how that ends up changing), in a time where she most certainly was considered foolish for doing so. She is too prejudiced to see beyond Darcy at first, but she at least she does not blindly accept what her society would want her too.

9. & 10. Maddie and Queenie, Code Name Verity

codenameverity2If you’ve read this book, I don’t think I have to explain this one. And if you haven’t, I don’t know how I can. These girls are extremely brave. I feel that’s about all I can say!

BONUS! Two Favorite Heroines from Film & TV!

heroinesBasically, I could fangirl about Olivia Dunham (Fringe) and Peggy Carter (Captain America) all day, especially Peggy. I love them both. They’re strong and independent, yet feminine and kind. We need more ladies like these in our stories.

Who are your favorite heroines?

The Top 10 Book Relationships That Make Me Swoon

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon. I felt a little funny about focusing on just the books, since romance isn’t the main purpose of several of these books, and yet the romance really made my heart soar! So this focus is more so on the relationships in these books. This week’s list is in no particular order.

swoon-addie-trevorWhen Addie is performing her search, Trevor is part of her future if she decides to go live with her dad outside the compound. And considering how sweet their relationship is, you can’t help but root that she will choose this path!

swoon-america-maxonThis is so weird coming from someone who hates the concept of The Bachelor, but I just like Maxon! I want to hate him when he pays attention to the other girls, but he’s so sweet towards America.

swoon-cassia-xanderThis only lasted a few chapters, but I loved it while it lasted. Xander was wonderful to Cassia.

swoon-cinder-kaiWhen Prince Kai and Cinder meet, she doesn’t see there being a snowball’s chance in heck that they could ever be together and tries to keep her distance, but he keeps pursuing her. And then craziness ensues. I can’t wait to see how it’ll all play out at the series’ end!

swoon-elizabeth-darcyEven though I enjoy seeing their romance more onscreen than actually reading about it in the book, I still couldn’t include Elizabeth and Darcy because come on, it’s Elizabeth and Darcy!

swoon-elliot-kaiI have to admit, Kai frustrated me a lot in this one so it wasn’t as swoony as it could have been, but those letters, and Elliot’s longing, and then when he finally came around… I couldn’t not root for them!

swoon-eva-ryanThis relationship is complicated to say the least (and there’s more of it in the sequel Once We Were), but they’re still cute together. I hope there’s a way it can work out.

swoon-jamie-landonIt’s been a long time since I read this book, but I do remember really enjoying the romance as a high school student who didn’t normally read books like this. I loved Jamie and Landon were able to help each other in different ways. I’ll definitely have to re-read it one day.

swoon-katniss-peetaIf you’ve read this blog for a while, you know how much I love Peeta and especially how he cares for Katniss. This applies to the whole series, but they have so many great moments in Catching Fire especially. And as a bonus, I wanted to add Finnick and Annie because even if we don’t get to see a lot of their relationship, you know how much they love each other by their actions.

swoon-persis-justenAs I was reading this book late last year/early this year, I gobbled every word of it, and I loved the complicated relationship Persis and Justen had as they had to pretend to be in love, while they kept secrets about their lives from each other, but they slowly came to see the amiable qualities the other had.  I gave this book five stars for a good reason; the pacing of everything, from the action-packed parts of the story to the slow-burn romance were just about perfect.

Which book relationships make you swoon?