Category Archives: Top 10

The Top 8 Wishes I’d Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top 10 Wishes I’d Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me. At first I wasn’t planning to do this week’s topic, one because nothing was initially coming to mind, and two because I try so hard to be content with what I have and where I am in life, but then I started to think on it some and decided to go for it and came up with 8. This week’s list is in no particular order.

If I could I would wish for…

1. An awesome space to store my books.


I mean, what book lover doesn’t want this?

2. The ability to read books a little faster.

I don’t want lightning speed reading ability… I think there’s something special about taking some time to savor what you read, but I wish I could maybe up my reading count a bit without necessarily devoting more time to read (not that I don’t want to read more, but life is busy!).

3. That I can write and publish books that will resonate with people.

It’s not a secret that I want a career as an author. I hope one day to share multiple stories, and I want them all to mean something to someone.

4. That I could stop losing bookmarks.

I have a serious problem with losing bookmarks. I would like for this to stop!

5. More books in the For Darkness Shows the Stars world.


Diana Peterfreund’s For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across a Star-Swept Sea features one of my favorite fictional worlds ever with its exploration of genetic engineering and its consequences, and I want more! With two books it just doesn’t feel complete! Maybe she could do a Little Women retelling next? There are so many possibilities!

6. To meet Marissa Meyer.

I am thinking this will surely happen one day, but I just want to ensure it! She’s one of my favorite authors and I want to get all the books signed by her and just tell her how much I love her characters!

7. To have the full experience at Universal Studios’ Harry Potter World… for free!



This is definitely a trip my husband and I want to take someday, but it’s not cheap, especially if you want to do it and Disney World in the same go! I would love to be able to take this trip without fear of the money spent.

8. To see a book I write get made into a movie.

I’m sure there are downsides to this, but it’s something I’ve always wanted and would love to see happen! I would try to write into my contract that I get to be a co-producer or something for any possible films.

What are your bookish wishes?

The Top 5 Author Duos I Want to See

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Author Duos You’d LOVE To See Write A Book Together. I just came up with ten because I’m lazy like that. My list this week is in no particular order.

1. Cristin Terrill and Lauren Miller: High-Stakes, Twisty Contemporary Sci-Fi


They both have written books with fabulous, intriguing plots, so imagine what they could do together! Cristin would be totally in charge of the characters though because Lauren’s characters drive me nuts!

2. Jennifer Lynn Barnes and Ally Carter: Thriller Contemporary


I mean, they both write in the genre, it only makes sense! I think I would really love to see what they can come up with together!

3. Emery Lord and Jane Austen: Romance Filled with Witty Banter and Wonderful Slow Burns


I know this is literally impossible due to Jane Austen being no longer living BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE. ALL THE WIT AND SWOONS.

4. Diana Peterfreund and Marissa Meyer: Imaginative Sci-Fi with the Most Wonderful Characters Ever


Between my love of the For Darkness Shows the Stars duology (though please write more in this world Diana kthanxbai) and The Lunar Chronicles I cannot even imagine if these two came together with their sci-fi world-building ideas and amazing characters!

5. Brandon Sanderson and Scott Westerfeld: Alternate World Fantasy of Awesomeness


In my mind, this would be like Mistborn meets Leviathan. I mean, what’s not to love about this idea?

Which authors would you like to see team up for a book, and what would the book be about?

The Top 10 Books on my Fall TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is the The Top 10 Books on my Fall TBR. Out of the actual seven titles I said I intended to read for the summer, I read all seven! BAM! I’m quite excited about that. We won’t get into how pitiful I am about the books I own and still haven’t read as I instead parooze the library… instead let’s move on to the books I hope to read this season. This list is in no particular order.


1. The Wrath and the Dawn


This is the next read for our book club and our meeting is in early October, so I plan to dive into it pretty soon.

2. Vicious


I bought this on Nook a little while ago when it was a good deal, and I think it’s about time I read some Schwab!

3. Six of Crows


I plan to buy this either on release day or soon thereafter because LEIGH BARDUGO! And GRISHA!

4. Rook


I’m pretty sure I’m getting this one for my birthday, and Charlene praised this Scarlet Pimpernel retelling, so I’m looking forward to it!

5. The Fixer


This is another one I am pretty sure I am getting for my birthday. I enjoyed The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and look forward to this new series starter.

6. The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson #1)


I have never read these books, but grabbed the first book on an e-deal recently, so I believe I’m going to have to check it out!

7. On Writing


I read a review of this that explained that this book is part Stephen King memoir and part actual writing advice, so I plan to just read the part about writing, since I’m not really all that interested in Stephen King himself.

8-10. The Hunger Games Trilogy Re-Readhg-trilogy

In anticipation of the last movie (!!!) I really want to reread the trilogy. I devoured these books in 2011 before the first movie had been released (though it was cast and I had seen those first pics released of Katniss, Peeta, and Gale). These books got me back into reading, especially YA! I’m pretty excited about experiencing the trilogy again.

What do you hope to read this fall?

My Top 10 Series to Finish

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. The actual topic for today is Ten Finished Series I Have YET to Finish, but the thing is, I’m usually good about finishing series and when I don’t, it’s usually because I don’t want to. So since most of my started but not yet finished series are unfinished, I will be sharing my Top 8 of those, then the top 2 that are finished.

The Unfinished Series…

1. The Lunar Chronicles


I mean, this is the most obvious one. I am going to be so sad when it’s all over… and yet I can’t wait for Winter to release! #bookwormproblems

2. The Naturals


I’ve only read the first book so far, but I enjoyed it and look forward to reading the next two!

3. The 5th Wave


The twists and turns of the first two books have definitely guaranteed that I have to see how this alien invasion shakes out for Cassie and company.

4. Embassy Row


I enjoyed this first book and really love the concept of living on Embassy Row, so I look forward to more from this series!

5. The Winner’s Trilogy


I am definitely excited to see how Kestrel will prevail in the end.

6. The Selection


I still have only read the first book, and even though it didn’t blow me away, I’ve always intended to read more. I wanted to make sure my ship would sail first before I continued, and now the original trilogy has extended to include the stories of America’s children, and I’ve got to admit I’m a little intrigued by that.

7. Mistborn


I finished the original trilogy, but now this universe has been expanded upon with The Alloy of Law and other books. At first I wasn’t sure how interested I was because it’s many years in the future and not the same characters, but really, do I think I would be disappointed? So I would like to get around to these other books some day.

8. The Young Elites


I will admit, my initial excitement for this series has worn off since I initially finished The Young Elites, but I still think I would like to continue this series.

The Finished Series…

9. The Gallagher Girls


I’ve received encouragement to continue reading this series, so I believe I will.

10. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 


This is more iffy than definite, but the first book was a quick, fun read, so I would at least like to read the next book, especially since the first book kind of leaves you hanging for the second, even if it’s not in a dramatic, cliff-hanging way.

Which series do you need to finish?

The Top 3 Fairytales I Want to See Retold

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Ten Fairytale Retellings I’ve Read/Want To Read (or fairytales I want to be retold or fairytales I love). Here are just a few fairy tale retellings that I think could be interesting.

1. Alice in Wonderland, with Parallel Universes


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I actually mentioned this idea once before, and I really would love to write this idea myself if I had any idea what to do with other than the basic premise. Maybe one day I’ll have the inspiration…

2. The Princess and the Pea, Modernized


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I have zero idea how to make this work, but it’s a common fairy tale that I am not familiar with having a retelling yet.

3. Snow White and Rose Red


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 I wasn’t even familiar with this fairy tale of two sisters until Annie mentioned it on her blog, and I still don’t really know it, but it sounds intriguing and I think I would be interested in a retelling of it.

Which fairytales would you like to see retold?