Star Trek TNG Season 1: My Top 5 Fave Episodes

As my husband and I are going through our second full watch of Star Trek as a couple, I thought it would be fun to report on the highlights along the way. So I decided to copy the same format as Charlene at Bookish Whimsy, who is going through her first-ever run of Star Trek and sharing her favorite five episodes for each season. To compare, see her top 3 favorite episodes of season one of The Next Generation (she couldn’t quite come up with 5 this season, and I can’t blame her). 

Ahh… early TNG. It’s not the best. We’re already getting a glimpse into things that annoy me in multiple Star Trek series: Q, Troi’s mom, and Ferengi. There was also a lot of set-up for Wesley ALREADY which really surprised me. They really wanted him to be special, apparently, and threw Tasha under the bus to the point where the actress asked to get killed off. I’ve got to say, I liked Tasha more this time around than I did the first time. I’m not sure if it’s because of seeing Denise Crosby at a convnetion or what. Anyhow, all that said, there were a few decent episodes this season, but let’s just say I’m definitely anticipating the later seasons and some of my favorite episodes that are to come.

5. Symbiosis

tng-1-symbosisThere are some things in this episode that bother me, and I don’t just mean the stuff that’s supposed to make you uncomfortable, but main characters saying dumb things and logic flaws. Despite this, however, it still has an intriguing premise that gets you to think about interfering with other cultures when one is exploiting the other.

4. Haven

tng-1-havenI’d be lying if I said I thought this was a really good episode, but it’s quite entertaining, mostly for Troi telling her mom off. I also find the arranged marriage trope an interesting one sometimes.

3. The Neutral Zone

tng-1-theneutralzoneThe biggest problem with this episode is that there is really pretty equal time for the actual Neutral Zone plotline (which you think would be the more dominate story given the episode title) and the subplot about three frozen people from the past who are recovered by the Enterprise (without Captain Picard’s knowledge… come on, Data, that’s sketch…), and really, these probably should have just been two different episodes because neither felt fully fleshed out. I feel that basically the main point of this episode as the season one finale was to set-up future conflict with the Romulans, but they weren’t feeling daring enough for big cliffhangers yet. (If this had been a later Deep Space Nine episode, OMG, stuff would have gone down.) So mostly, I like this episode for its potential.

2. Conspiracy

tng-1-conspiracyThis is another episode that I like mostly for the potential of what could have been (what still could be if they ever make a new Star Trek show that is set during/after Voyager time), however, it was stronger than The Neutral Zone. In this episode, we see that a species has infiltrated some high-up Starfleet officers, and while the immediate threat is neutralized at the end, there’s an open-ended something that hints more certainly can come. Apparently it was supposed to be explored again but alas, has not been. But it really should be because I’m curious! This episode gets negative points though for the gross-alien-creature-inside-people deal though. Is that really necessary?

1. Coming of Age

tng-1-comingofageI remembered this episode from my previous watch and was surprised that it was first season. This is actually a pretty decent Wesley episode, in fact, it might be the best Wesley story of all TNG, but I guess I’ll have to watch the other seasons again to say for sure. It’s certainly better than Justice. In this one Wesley learns what it takes to get into Starfleet, and acts more mature and less annoying than his usual season one self. I’ve decided to give this episode the top spot for this season mostly because I find it the most memorable.

I’ve got to say, in season one (and from my memory, in all of TNG really), Data really steals the show. I feel Brent Spiner really had Data down from the start and I came to love him all over again very quickly!

If you’ve seen season one of The Next Generation, which episodes are your favorite?

The Top 10 Books on My Winter TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR. I am a little less sure of what I plan to read this winter than I have been the past couple of seasons, but here are some I know I want to get to… in no particular order…

Catching Up

1. The Young Elites by Marie Lu

gr-youngelitesThis is my next book club read and I’ve heard positive things, so I’m hoping to enjoy it!

2. In Between by Jenny B. Jones

in-betweenI downloaded this YA Christian fiction title for either free or cheap a little while ago and would like to read it soon.

3. Insignia by S.J. Kincaid

gr-insigniaA YA science fiction story I remembered Kelley mentioning, I got a deal for the Nook book on this one as well, but of course I found out five seconds later I could have borrowed the e-book from my library. Fail. But if I enjoy it, then I’ll borrow the sequels! I’m also much more likely to read it now that I own it.

4. Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

gr-goblet-of-fireI’m reading The Prisoner of Azkaban right now, so obviously I want to read the next installment pretty soon.

5. The Land Uncharted by Keely Brooke Keith

gr-the-land-unchartedThis is a “risky read” since none of my blogger friends have read it and I think it might be self-published, but it has positive reviews on Goodreads and it sounds SO ME that I had to download it on Nook when I saw it for a good price. Plus the author is local! I hope I end up enjoying it!

6. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

gr-mistbornI put this on my Christmas list because, FINE, I GET IT, YOU PEOPLE LOVE IT.

7. Short Stories & Novellas, Possibly Including My True Love Gave to Me, Poison Dance, & This Night So Dark

novellasI am terrible at getting around to reading short stories and novellas, despite my intentions, especially if they are online. But the last two have been on my Nook for a while (and I got them both for free!), and the former I put a hold on with my library. I haven’t read anything by ANY of the authors in My True Love Gave to Me (yes, despite the fact that so many of them are so well-known), so at first I wasn’t very interested, but then I thought, hey, they’re short stories! And if I don’t like how one’s starting, I’ll skip and go to the next one. It might be fun to read some cute, contemporary holiday stories this season.

New Releases Coming Before March 20 (AKA the start of spring)

(Let’s face it, I won’t read all these by then since I don’t get ARC’s, but still…)

8. Fairest by Marissa Meyer

gr-fairestDo I need to explain this? I think not.

9. Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman

gr-shadow-scaleDid you read Seraphina? If you did, you understand.

10. The Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski

gr-winners-crimeI really enjoyed the mind games in The Winner’s Curse, so I’m excited for more.

What’s on your winter TBR list?

The Top 10 Star Trek Characters I’d Want With Me on a Deserted Planet

It’s happened on many an episode of Star Trek… you crash land on a planet and… now what? There are usually dangers involved… generally weird alien life forms… some friendly and some not… and of course you want a top-notch group of folks to help you get through it. I got this idea months ago after doing a Top Ten Tuesday topic on the book characters I would want with me on a deserted island. But when Star Trek characters are involved, it’s got to be a deserted planet! Will we be able to make it home? I think with this crew we can…

sfm_banner_02b (1)This list is in no particular order…

1. Spock 

SpockHe’s obviously the logical choice. Spock’s intelligence would come very much in handy while on a deserted planet.

2. Ezri

Ezri_arrivalOut of all the characters in all the series of Star Trek, Ezri is the one I feel I could be BFF’s with, so I need her to keep me company on the planet. (Note to Charlene: Do not Google Ezri – it will only end in major spoilers!)

3. Chakotay

chakoty-resolutionsThe man will build you a bathtub, simply because you miss bathtubs. Or maybe he’ll only do that for Janeway. I don’t know, but his deserted planet building skills would come in handy!

4. Trip

trip-tuckerI love Trip’s personality, and he would try to keep the mood upbeat. Also, he should be able to fix our abandoned ship in no time.

5. Scotty

tos_scottyScotty and Tripp would make a dynamic duo for fixing things, plus I love Scotty’s no-nonsense attitude!

6.  Picard

picardSomeone’s gotta be in charge, and I think Picard might be able to handle this situation the best.

7. Troi

Marina_Sirtis_TNGIt’s easy to become frazzled while on a deserted planet, so Troi’s counseling could come in handy.

8. Dr. Bashir

bashirWe need a doctor, and I’m picking Dr. Bashir because he’s my favorite.

9. Data (+Spot)

spot-dataAs an android, Data can do things the rest of us humanoids can’t do. Plus, he’s knowledgeable and entertaining and he has an awesome cat.

10. Phlox

BILLINGSLEYPhlox is… eccentric… but he is also a doctor, plus knows a lot about animals and plants (mostly in terms of medicinal use) that might come in handy. I think he would also help generate a positive attitude on the planet.

Which Star Trek characters would you want to be with you if stranded on a deserted planet?

Review: Edge of Tomorrow

Note: This movie seems to suffering from a title identity crisis, because in some places I’ve seen it’s called Live. Die. Repeat., which to my knowledge, is/was the tagline. I like the name Edge of Tomorrow better, and that’s the title the movie was originally presented to me as, and what it was titled as in the credits, so that is what I am calling it. 

sfm_banner_02b (1)Between my disappoint with Tom Cruise’s sci-fi flick Oblivion and not hearing too much (positive or negative) about this movie, I went in with somewhat low expectations, but hoping I would enjoy it. Thankfully, Edge of Tomorrow proved to be a well-told (not tiring) loop story with fascinating science fiction elements, featured in a world I wanted to learn more about, and with two protagonists I cared about.

edge_of_tomorrowAt the opening we see that the world is at war with aliens who have come here and invaded us. The focus isn’t on the aliens, though they are the reason the loop occurs. I won’t give away all the details with that plot element, but Rita acquired the ability to loop from a previous battle with the aliens, and then Cage acquires it this time around. And with this looping comes the objective to completely dismantle the aliens to where they lose the war and, hopefully, Cage nor anyone else will have to relive the bloody slaughtering over and over again.

Cage is not the most sympathetic character at first, which is intentional, but he certainly becomes one as he is forced to relive this battle over and over again, and then is finally able to train with and talk to Rita and they get further into their mission. Of course everything we see is abbreviated, but based on what we hear, I think it’s safe to say that Cage has to go through these couple of days for at least a year’s worth of time. Can you imagine how tiring that would be? Thankfully, they portrayed that as well. Cage is not a born hero. Rita isn’t either. They have been put in circumstances in which they are forced to survive and hopefully save the world.

I appreciated that the repeated content never grew stale, but Catge’s different choices and reactions helped make it always feel new. This can definitely be a problem with loop stories, and luckily this one was well-handled.

I don’t have any real complaints,  though my initial reaction to the ending made me go, “What?! That’s it?!” because it was quite abrupt. But really, what would have been the point of dragging it out at that point? Did I want this movie to turn into The Return of the King or something? Overall, the movie was definitely worth a watch, and I found it enjoyable and thought-provoking.

4stars2Have you seen Edge of Tomorrow? What are your thoughts?


Leigh Bardugo Event!

I went to what felt like my first legit YA author event on November 9: Leigh Bardugo at Parnassus Books in Nashville! It’s about a 45 minute drive for me and it was completely worth it! (Not to mention that I got to pick up a slice of my absolute favorite cheesecake before I headed home… but anyhow…) Last year I saw Kat Zhang at a local Barnes & Noble when she was part of a local author signing, so I got her to sign the first two books of The Hybrid Chronicles, neither of which I had read yet at the time, and chatted with her briefly. This event was more like what I have seen other bloggers post about, and I was glad to finally have one of these experiences of my own, especially since I just came to love the Grisha trilogy so much this year!

Some bloggers take good notes during these events, but I didn’t, so here’s just a quick recap:

  • She shared about what her younger self thought via some  of her old diary entries. I have to say that was brave; I can’t imagine sharing my old journals with a crowd of people like that! But then again, maybe I would share a snippet or two to make a point, just as she did. She used it as a segway to discuss…
  • She talked about why she’s proud to write genre fiction. One thing younger Leigh pleaded with older Leigh was to remember how important young people are, which I thought was so neat for someone who grew up to YA fiction. She talked about how while, yes, genre fiction may be escapist, really so is ALL FICTION. She talked about how readers of genre fiction are the ones who will always be waiting for that letter from Hogwart’s or looking for the door to lead to Narnia, and considering when I was younger I was always hoping to find that door to Narnia, that really resonated with me. Some people (probably not anyone reading this now though) might think that’s silly and childish, but it’s about imagination. Anyhow, I just really appreciated it.
  • She read a decent-length excerpt from Six of Crows. It was hard for me to pay attention to the whole thing just because I’m bad at listening to things being read in general, but the concept is definitely interesting (a heist in an underworld trade society within the Grisha universe) and I’m looking forward to it.
  • She answered questions about characters and writing. I don’t have anything specific to note here, except it’s always nice to hear authors share their struggles with writing.

When it was all over it was time for the signing part! So, if you follow Leigh on social media you know about the dice you could get if you bought one of her books from the hosting bookstore. So of course I wanted to get on that, so I bought another PB copy of Shadow and Bone as a present for a family  member. Well, apparently everyone else who was buying their books did it beforehand (smart), but since I waited until after, I ended up the back of the signing line. BUT I did get the dice, which is important, and I still got to meet Leigh and get my stack of books signed plus other swag, also important! I had not really thought of what to say to her, but I decided at the last moment to mention my Grisha wedding inspiration post that I knew she had seen (thanks to tumblr), and she remembered it and said she loved it! I told her it made my day when I saw she liked the link, and she said it made her day when she saw the post! So that was a cool moment. (Then recently I tweeted her a link to the other posts because she said she wanted to see more and she tweeted me back saying she loved them all!)

And of course, pictures or it didn’t happen…

Leigh and me!
Leigh asked for my favorite character before she started writing book quotes inside. I said Sturmhond was my favorite, of course.
Books + swag, picture obviously not taken with my phone. So the band around the first two books was described to me as a bookmark/headband. 🙂
A better look at the dice and pins.

Have you ever gotten to meet one of your favorite authors? What’s your favorite memory from an author meeting?