Category Archives: Books

Book Review: The Bell Jar

The Bell Jar is kind of a hard book, to both read and review. Going in, I had heard a lot of praise for it. I had gathered that it was about a girl struggling from depression. And when I started reading it, I found the narrator witty. She was witty. But then I kept reading and was floored by how unprepared I was for the rest of it.

gr-the-bell-jar2If you think this book is simply about a girl who becomes depressed, then you’re going to be in for a major surprise like I was. This book is a raw account of a girl just completely spiraling out of control, and I dare not say depression is the issue, or at least not the only issue. This girl is suffering from an extreme nervous breakdown and even exhibits some symptoms of schizophrenia, and her treatment is not simply a few sessions with a counselor and a few pills, but inhabiting mental institutions (in the 1950’s I might add, when they didn’t have a clue about mental illness) where they would sometimes use electroshock therapy.

While I was reading, I remember thinking, the author has to have had some of these experiences. And sure enough, I ended up reading that this fictional book is practically an autobiographical account with a few changed details. It shows. I don’t know if you can fake being in the mind of someone who’s up is down, and down is sideways, and sideways in up, and is too overwhelmed with life and just wants to end it. Maybe someone could to an extent, but it just felt too real for it to be fiction, so I felt either this woman was a genius writer or she had lived it.

I’m glad I read this book. I felt it was an important read for me. But I am very glad I did not try to read this book 10 or so years ago. Being in my 20’s was a good time to read this, and it’s the time I would recommend others to read this. There is a lot in the story that many of us can relate to, about the uncertainty of the future when we thought we had it all figured out, and then you see how not everyone handles it the same way. I don’t mean that to say that our protagonist Esther, or the author, Sylvia, are weak, and those who don’t have these mental breakdowns are strong, because that’s not it. There are biological reasons why some people face mental illnesses and others don’t, and it’s no one’s fault. But we all process information differently, live out our lives differently, and this is a good reminder of that. We all feel a little lost at times, even if we don’t all experience it in the same ways.

I didn’t love how open the end of the book was, but I’m sure other people would like it fine. I can understand feelings on it either  way, but it did not really resonate with me. I wanted to know Esther would be OK, but since Sylvia Plath wasn’t so sure if she would be OK I can see why she would end it that way. There were parts of this book I didn’t care for, and I don’t just mean uncomfortable moments, but I do think it was a story worth telling.

4stars2While reading this book I also could not help but compare it to a favorite book of mine, Finding Alice, about a girl struggling with schizophrenia. It is Christian fiction, but I don’t think it’s too overbearing in its message. In fact, Alice is from a home where religion sort of sucked the life out of her, and it’s only through her illness and the people she meets that she learns that it doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t be, that way. I’d definitely recommend it if it sounds interesting to you. I do find it’s ending a lot more satisfying, though I understand it ends a little rosier than The Bell Jar, which some people may dispute isn’t as realistic. It just resonates with me personally a little more.

If you’ve read The Bell Jar, what are your thoughts? 

My Top 10 (Er, Or So) Movie/TV Heroines (& Maybe Books Too…)

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Favorite Heroines From Books, but I did this topic just barely over a year ago for a TTT Rewind, so I thought I would focus on my favorite heroines that I know exclusively from movies and TV. And I got carried away. Ahem.

This week’s list is in no particular order…

1. Peggy Carter from Captain America/Agent Carter

peggy-carterWhat an amazing coincidence that today is the day of the Agent Carter TV season finale! If you’ve read this blog for a while you know I love me some Peggy Carter. I think she is awesome in basically every way.

2. Jemma Simmons from Agents of SHIELD

Simmons_Season2You know who is also a big fangirl of Peggy Carter? Jemma Simmons from Agents of SHIELD! Jemma might not have the ability to kick butt the way Peggy does, but she’s incredibly gifted in science and uses her abilities to fight for what’s right.

3. Lady Sif from Thor

lady-sifAnd one more from the Marvel universe! Lady Sif is basically like Peggy Carter from another realm. She is also way more awesome than Jane Foster, who I don’t dislike, but she’s not Sif.

4. Kate Beckett from Castle

Kate-beckett2I’ve been watching Castle since day one, and I’ve always liked Beckett, but I think I’ve come to really like her more and more these past two or three seasons. I’ve definitely enjoyed watching her character grow.

5. Olivia Dunham from Fringe

Anna-TorvSpeaking of character development, there’s also quite a bit for Olivia Dunham in Fringe! Some of you were here for my Fringe journey back in 2013, and you saw just how crazy hooked I got on the show. That passion has definitely died down now, but I still have a lot of love for Olivia.

6. Dax from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

daxNow that Charlene has finished DS9 (sorry for anyone else who hasn’t but might one day) I can safely say Jadzia AND Ezri Dax! This might be a cheat, because they are two different people, but oh well, too bad. They are different but I love them both. Jadzia is so spunky and smart, and Ezri I can just completely relate to.

7. Princess Leia from Star Wars

leiaI mean, she’s a princess who can shoot and fight for the cause. She’s pretty awesome.

8. Kaylee from Firefly

kayleeI love Kaylee. She’s sweet and fun and loyal and good at what she does.

9. and 10. Susan Ivanova and Delenn from Babylon 5

babylon5ladiesI debated with myself for a while about whether or not to include these two before I finally decided to. I feel quite separated from the show these days, even though I only saw it 2-3 years ago, I think because it doesn’t have the community like Star Trek; and also unlike Star Trek and Fringe, I didn’t find any Babylon 5 podcasts to enrich my experience. But when I think back to the show, and these two women, I’m just blown away all over again. Both of these women exhibit strength in different ways and they go through such interesting arcs. I’ll say it again: if you are a fan of science fiction, you should really watch this show (just look past the production value, they were on a budget).

BONUS Runner-Ups: Deanna Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Molly Mahoney from Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium.


BONUS #2: My Top 6 Fave Heroines from Books That I’ve Read Since Last Year!

(1) Hermione from Harry Potter, (2) Vin from Mistborn, (3) Cress from The Lunar Chronicles, (4) Seraphina from Seraphina,  (5)Alina from The Grisha Trilogy, and (6) Deryn from The Leviathan Trilogy


Who are your favorite heroines from books/TV/movies? 

The Top 10 Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books

Top Ten Tuesday topic is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is The Top 10 Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books. I decided to do two lists of 5, one for the dislikes and one for the likes, and while it might have been hard to come up for 10 for one of the other, coming up with 5 for both was pretty easy! Here they are…

Top 5 Dislikes 

1. Instalove

Preach it, Kristoff.

I think most of this are tired of this. I mean seriously, it doesn’t make sense and it’s not interesting. Insta-attraction is one thing, but instalove, no way.

2. Hot & Heavy

I do not want to read about teenagers (anyone really, but especially teens) who think they need to get it on to show their love. No, no you don’t.

3. The Bad Boy/Girl

Case in point: Wickham. Terrible human being.

I have NEVER understand why so many girls find bad boys appealing. They’re BAD. They won’t treat you well. They don’t care about safety. BAD BAD BAD. And don’t forget, it can go the other way around; there are plenty of nasty girls out there too.

4. Lying/Cheating/Playing Games/Manipulating

I think this goes with the previous one but seriously, I will never root for a relationship that is steeped in deception rather than trust. There’s nothing romantic about playing games and lying to each other.

5. Badly Done Love Triangles


That’s all I’ve got to say.

Top 5 Likes

1. The Slow Burn

Keep it low and slow, make me want it, need it, feel it!

2. The Good Guy/Girl


I like sweetness. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know this. Be a good person and I will be so happy when you find love!

3. Friends First

emma-approved-emma-knightleyYou know I love Emma and Knightley so. But seriously, I think friendship is an awesome foundation to a romantic relationship because even when you’re upset with that person or don’t feel all the sparks, you’re still friends, and that in itself means something.

4. Quips/Banter

“Do you always read at balls?” “Whenever I can get away with it.” Vin and Elend, ladies and gentlemen. That is Brandon Sanderson doing flirty quips right. We need more of this in books!

5. They Still Have Friends! 

emma-approved-friendsSeriously, don’t shut yourself out from other people. You still need other friends.

What do you like/dislike in romances in books?

Bookworm Problems: Being Frugal Vs. New Releases

I have always been a very frugal person, as well as a planner. I remember very distinctly as a young child hoarding saving up my allowance money for some great something I would have to have in the future. One time it was Barbie things, another time it was a plane ticket to see old friends, and over years and years, at the age of 22, I had enough to help put a decent downpayment on a house with my husband right before we married. Sometimes my savings are merely for the future, sometimes they are for something specific, but I very rarely make impulse buys, even for little things; it’s just not in my nature.

I say all this so you can understand just how difficult it can be to be a frugal bookworm in a world with so many shiny new books constantly being released. Again, being as careful as I am, I don’t generally buy new books anyways, unless it’s an author I know and love, and generally it’ll also be a sequel to a series I’ve started. But even then, hardcovers can be expensive. And if the book releases at a time when nothing else is really catching my eye, what’s a frugal bookworm to do? Go to Barnes and Noble and just fork over $17? Stalk B& and Amazon and wherever else for a good deal, meanwhile wondering what else I can justify buying to get free shipping (because part of my careful planning/frugal nature is refusing to pay for memberships or for shipping)? Pray for coupons and ebook deals and the like? And because of this whole free shipping/what else should I buy debacle, I can’t simply pre-order. It’s not that simple.

At Christmas, I knew there were books coming up in January, March, and April that I really wanted. I asked for a Barnes and Noble gift card, and thankfully got one, which was helpful. Then I got some gift cards I wasn’t expecting for Amazon, also helpful. I literally wrote out a “game plan” for when I would buy these various books with their various release dates and from where and with what. Since the start of the new year I have gotten Seraphina in paperback (it was important for me to wait until it was available in PB), Mistborn books 2 & 3, and Fairest with little cost thanks to the gift cards, but I’m still trying to figure out where/when/how to acquire Firefight, which I was going to get last month but then I wondered if I wanted it SO badly to get it in hardback, especially when I only own Steelheart as an ebook, and then I realized I will probably feel the same about The Winner’s Crime, but I am going to NEED to get Shadow Scale when it releases…

lincoln-ohboyBasically, I’ve just got this swirling mess of thoughts in my head that I am trying to organize into ways to get ALL THE BOOKS for as cheaply as possible.

ryker-cantAny other frugal bookworms out there? How do you find is the best way to stretch a dollar for books or get new books at good prices? 

The Top 10 Books Contemporary YA Books I Want to Read

Top Ten Tuesday topic is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books I Can’t Believe I Haven’t/Want To Read From X Genre. I don’t read a lot of Contemporary YA, but occasionally there’s one I hear about that I think I might enjoy… but it can take me a while to actually get around to them. Here’s 10 that I’m thinking I’ll check out one day, in no particular order…

1. Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter

gr-gallagher1I’ve been thinking of reading these for a while, but it’s always daunting to start series! But one day, I will, because they just sound fun!

2. Magnolia by Kristi Cook

gr-magnoliaSet in the South, Star Trek references, and the whole we-hate-each-other-oh-wait-never-mind trope? Yep, definitely interested.

3. Faking Normal by Courtney C. Stevens

gr-faking-normalI feel like a broken record because I keep mentioning that Courtney is a local author who I have seen multiple times at local events and I feel I should read her book especially since blogger Kayla talks about the boy in the book being like a contemporary Peeta but I have to admit I am terrified of the whole rape topic but ONE DAY I WILL READ THIS.

4. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

GR-faultinourstarsYes, I still haven’t read this. Stop giving me that look.

5. Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

gr-killerinstinctHey contemporary lovers, be proud! I read and enjoyed The Naturals, so I would like to read its sequel!

6. The Law of Loving Others by Kate Axelrod 

gr-lawoflovingI will have to read more reviews on this before I know if I actually want to read it, but anything dealing with schizophrenia initially piques my interest. Ever since writing a paper on it my senior year of high school it has fascinated me.

7. Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson

gr-dont=touchSummer raved about this one and mentioned there’s a nice guy (always a win for me), PLUS it focuses on OCD, which is actually featured in my WIP and I really need to read a little more about it.

8. If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch

gr-ifyoufindmeThis one is highly regarded, plus it’s set in Tennessee.

9. Anything by Kasie West

gr-distancebetweenThe only Kasie West books I’ve read so far are Pivot Point and Split Second, which are contemporary with a paranormal/sci-fi sort of twist, and I think I need to read some of her straight-up contemporary I hear so much good about!

10. She Is Not Invisible by Marcus Sedgwick 

gr-sheisnotinvisbleThis one just sounds very intriguing!

Which of these contemporary books do you love or want to read?