Category Archives: Top 10

My Top Ten Inspiring Quotes from Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Inspiring Quotes from Books.

This was a hard one. First off, book quotes. I love awesome book quotes, but I sometimes keep track of them, sometimes don’t, and when I do, I do so in a myriad of ways, so finding them again is always questionable. Secondly, these quotes were supposed to challenge, inspire, make you think. I feel like my favorite fiction quotes deal more with the characters, or the way something is described, rather than inspire me. However, I did come up with 10 quotes, that are probably not my true top 10 (I didn’t want to overrun this TTT with C.S. Lewis), but that do inspire me, both in fiction and non-fiction.

Disclaimer: I have not read 3 of these books. I know you’re thinking, What?! Two of them I have seen movie adaptations, and the quotes were in those as well. For one, the quote is in a book I have read, I just have not read the book it originated from. Onward!

the-four-lovesC.S. Lewis is always on the money when he talks about love; he has so many great quotes about it. This one is challenging because it’s the realization that love really can and does hurt, but as he also explains, the only way to avoid it is to give your heart to no one or nothing, at all, period.

the-book-thiefAs a reader and a writer, I can definitely relate to this, and it challenges me as the latter.

little-womenWhen I first read this in Little Women, I felt as if Marmee was my mom talking to me. I had so many of Jo’s interests and I could see so much of myself in her, and so it really felt personal to read that about having extraordinary gifts. Of course, 10+ years later I have let life get me down at times: my career is no where near what I anticipated or had hoped (though I found contentment with where I am). But, I move forward. I continue to write, and my life is not over. Reading this inspires me to keep working towards that not ordinary life.

unbrokenSo much happened to Louie as a POW in WWII, and I remember when it came to this moment in the book, I mean it just made it really real. I teared up at the thought of Louie going through all the horrible stuff he did, then to come back to his safe, quiet home that had been marred by war, though not the way he had. When he returned he struggled with that sense of normalcy after so much pain. His journey was far from over at this point, but it was a beginning moment in his path to healing.

bird-by-birdAs a perfectionist, oh I can relate. And perfectionism hurts when you’re trying to write out that first draft (or two or three), which was what Lamott was referring to here. I have to write without fear of getting the words wrong; I just need to write from my heart.

lesmiserablesSo this is also a line from the musical, and when I heard it for the first time it really struck me. As someone who reads the Bible, I find it Biblical too. When you care and love for others, especially those who are hopeless, you really seeing God through it. It’s so simple but so powerful.

allegiantSay whatever you want about Allegiant, but this quote really stood out to me when I read it. It’s easy to allow ourselves to just overlook something we don’t like, but truth is truth.

the-giverI can’t imagine not being able to share memories, holding them in like Jonas had to. Sometimes the most fun I have it sitting down and reminiscing with someone.

mistbornI think this quote has a similar theme to others I’ve shared; that faith and belief aren’t always going to be appealing, but you have to stay strong through the hard times and hold on to that faith.

the-two-towersI love Sam’s whole speech, about how people in all these stories have all these opportunities to turn back, but instead they face the darkness and push through, and it’s exactly what he and Frodo and the others go through. But this is a powerful moment, the acknowledgment that despite all the bad, there is good, and it’s worth it to keep going it for that.

These lovely pictures are from Unsplash, Gratisography, and Raumrot

Which of my Top 10 quotes is your favorite? What is another favorite inspiring book quote for you?

The Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books on My Spring TBR List. I was lousy at following these lists first, but after a while started doing better. I read about half of my winter list, so not too bad. Only time will tell how I’ll do this time around, especially with long books on my list…

1. Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman

gr-shadow-scaleThis was on my winter TBR, but I knew that was unrealistic anyhow. I will definitely read it soon though… probably next, in fact! I just got my copy and it’s so pretty!

2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

gr-deathlyhallowsGuys, I’m almost done with Harry Potter! I won’t know what to do once I finish! Oh wait, yes I will… read all these other awesome books on my list… though I will also be a little sad it’s over.

3. Save the Cat by Blake Snyder

gr-savethecatThis is a writing book that I have heard is helpful with plot. This could come in handy during Camp NaNoWriMo.

4. Do Over by Jon Acuff

gr-dooverI have loved all of Jon Acuff’s books so far and look forward to reading his new book, coming out in April! (P.S. If you pre-order, you get a free copy of the e-book that disappears on release day.)

5. The Well of Ascension & 6. The Hero of Ages, both by Brandon Sanderson

mistborn2&3This spring I will finally follow-up on Mistborn! Nikki said I’ve got to read these back-to-back, so I’m planning to do just that.

7. The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand

gr-thelasttimeI’m nervous about this one, because I don’t do these intense contemporaries, BUT I think it might be helpful for me as I work on my WIP, and I can get it from the library. At least I’ve heard good things… if you call crushing people’s souls a good thing…

8. All Fall Down by Ally Carter

gr-allfalldownI have this one on hold at the library, so hopefully it’ll become available at a time I can read it. I haven’t read any Ally Carter yet but have been wanting to.

9. Firefight by Brandon Sanderson

gr-firefightI’ve got this one on hold too. I already had to drop it once and put myself back on the waiting list again. One day I will get to it…

10. The Body Electric by Beth Revis

gr-thebodyelectricI bought this one recently and it sounds interesting, so I really would like to check it out sometime in the next few months!

What’s on your spring TBR?

My Top 10 All-Time Fave Books Since I Started Blogging

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books You Would Classify As ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOKS from the past 3 years. I decided to make it easiest I would go with books I’ve read since I’ve started blogging, and seeing as I recently celebrated my two year blogversary, it seemed like a good time frame. I was also able to come up with a list very quickly by doing this. I’ve decided to make this week’s list in the order that I read the books, starting with the one I read first down to what I’ve read most recently.

1. Start by Jon Acuff

AKA, the book that started this blog.

Start_jacket.inddThis was the book I was reading when I started my blog, and this book (along with Acuff’s previous book Quitter) got me back to writing seriously again. If you’re out of school and feeling stuck in a job and/or with life in general, seriously read these.

2. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

AKA, the book that changed my worldview.

gr-unbrokenI think most are familiar with the general story of this book thanks to the movie’s release, which focuses on a WWII POW and survivor. I cannot fully express how amazing the story is. You just need to read it. My Review

3. The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

AKA, the book that gave me feels like never before.

GR-bookthiefIt’s rare to find a book where the writing, story, and characters are all equally glorious and beautiful. This is one of those books. My Review

4. Across a Star-Swept Sea by Diana Peterfreund

AKA, the book that is quite possibly one of the most “Amy” books ever written.

acrossastarsweptHave you ever read a book that just felt like everything about it was tailored just for you? If not, I hope you find it. This book was that for me. (And I loved the predecessor to this one as well!) My Review

5. Cress by Marissa Meyer

AKA, the book that made me realize this was going to be one of my favorite series ever.

cressThe characters and stories that Marissa Meyer have developed are just spot-on and WOW. My Review

6. The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

(We’ll focus on Shadow and Bone since it’s first)

AKA, that book that made me fall in love with fantasy.

gr-shadowandboneI bought this one on a whim when I saw it on sale, devoured it while on vacation, and haven’t looked back. I had not read much fantasy before this and a whole new world opened up to me after this. My Review

7. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

AKA, the book that made sure I stayed in love with fantasy.

GR-seraphinaI haven’t reread a book since I’ve started blogging, until now; I’m reading this one in preparation for the sequel, Shadow Scale. In my opinion, it is a slow start, but it is 100% worth it for the world-building and the people. My Review

8. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

(Again, we’ll focus on the first book, The Sorcerer’s Stone)

AKA, the book that made me want to go to Hogwarts.

gr-sorcerers-stoneI am now 5/7 of the way through with reading this series for the first time, and yes, I am loving it and totally on board with all the hype it’s gotten for 15 years. My Review

9. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

AKA, the book that made me look at my spiritual life differently.

screwtape-lettersThis is a book that I won’t say that I love quite in the same way as the others, but was an important read for me.

1o. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

AKA, the book that made me not afraid of high fantasy.

gr-mistbornI can’t say I’m ready for The Way of Kings yet, but I’m ready for more of this world and more like it. My Review

What are some of your favorite reads from since you started blogging (regardless of time frame)?

My Top 10 (Er, Or So) Movie/TV Heroines (& Maybe Books Too…)

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Favorite Heroines From Books, but I did this topic just barely over a year ago for a TTT Rewind, so I thought I would focus on my favorite heroines that I know exclusively from movies and TV. And I got carried away. Ahem.

This week’s list is in no particular order…

1. Peggy Carter from Captain America/Agent Carter

peggy-carterWhat an amazing coincidence that today is the day of the Agent Carter TV season finale! If you’ve read this blog for a while you know I love me some Peggy Carter. I think she is awesome in basically every way.

2. Jemma Simmons from Agents of SHIELD

Simmons_Season2You know who is also a big fangirl of Peggy Carter? Jemma Simmons from Agents of SHIELD! Jemma might not have the ability to kick butt the way Peggy does, but she’s incredibly gifted in science and uses her abilities to fight for what’s right.

3. Lady Sif from Thor

lady-sifAnd one more from the Marvel universe! Lady Sif is basically like Peggy Carter from another realm. She is also way more awesome than Jane Foster, who I don’t dislike, but she’s not Sif.

4. Kate Beckett from Castle

Kate-beckett2I’ve been watching Castle since day one, and I’ve always liked Beckett, but I think I’ve come to really like her more and more these past two or three seasons. I’ve definitely enjoyed watching her character grow.

5. Olivia Dunham from Fringe

Anna-TorvSpeaking of character development, there’s also quite a bit for Olivia Dunham in Fringe! Some of you were here for my Fringe journey back in 2013, and you saw just how crazy hooked I got on the show. That passion has definitely died down now, but I still have a lot of love for Olivia.

6. Dax from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

daxNow that Charlene has finished DS9 (sorry for anyone else who hasn’t but might one day) I can safely say Jadzia AND Ezri Dax! This might be a cheat, because they are two different people, but oh well, too bad. They are different but I love them both. Jadzia is so spunky and smart, and Ezri I can just completely relate to.

7. Princess Leia from Star Wars

leiaI mean, she’s a princess who can shoot and fight for the cause. She’s pretty awesome.

8. Kaylee from Firefly

kayleeI love Kaylee. She’s sweet and fun and loyal and good at what she does.

9. and 10. Susan Ivanova and Delenn from Babylon 5

babylon5ladiesI debated with myself for a while about whether or not to include these two before I finally decided to. I feel quite separated from the show these days, even though I only saw it 2-3 years ago, I think because it doesn’t have the community like Star Trek; and also unlike Star Trek and Fringe, I didn’t find any Babylon 5 podcasts to enrich my experience. But when I think back to the show, and these two women, I’m just blown away all over again. Both of these women exhibit strength in different ways and they go through such interesting arcs. I’ll say it again: if you are a fan of science fiction, you should really watch this show (just look past the production value, they were on a budget).

BONUS Runner-Ups: Deanna Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Molly Mahoney from Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium.


BONUS #2: My Top 6 Fave Heroines from Books That I’ve Read Since Last Year!

(1) Hermione from Harry Potter, (2) Vin from Mistborn, (3) Cress from The Lunar Chronicles, (4) Seraphina from Seraphina,  (5)Alina from The Grisha Trilogy, and (6) Deryn from The Leviathan Trilogy


Who are your favorite heroines from books/TV/movies? 

The Top 10 Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books

Top Ten Tuesday topic is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is The Top 10 Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books. I decided to do two lists of 5, one for the dislikes and one for the likes, and while it might have been hard to come up for 10 for one of the other, coming up with 5 for both was pretty easy! Here they are…

Top 5 Dislikes 

1. Instalove

Preach it, Kristoff.

I think most of this are tired of this. I mean seriously, it doesn’t make sense and it’s not interesting. Insta-attraction is one thing, but instalove, no way.

2. Hot & Heavy

I do not want to read about teenagers (anyone really, but especially teens) who think they need to get it on to show their love. No, no you don’t.

3. The Bad Boy/Girl

Case in point: Wickham. Terrible human being.

I have NEVER understand why so many girls find bad boys appealing. They’re BAD. They won’t treat you well. They don’t care about safety. BAD BAD BAD. And don’t forget, it can go the other way around; there are plenty of nasty girls out there too.

4. Lying/Cheating/Playing Games/Manipulating

I think this goes with the previous one but seriously, I will never root for a relationship that is steeped in deception rather than trust. There’s nothing romantic about playing games and lying to each other.

5. Badly Done Love Triangles


That’s all I’ve got to say.

Top 5 Likes

1. The Slow Burn

Keep it low and slow, make me want it, need it, feel it!

2. The Good Guy/Girl


I like sweetness. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know this. Be a good person and I will be so happy when you find love!

3. Friends First

emma-approved-emma-knightleyYou know I love Emma and Knightley so. But seriously, I think friendship is an awesome foundation to a romantic relationship because even when you’re upset with that person or don’t feel all the sparks, you’re still friends, and that in itself means something.

4. Quips/Banter

“Do you always read at balls?” “Whenever I can get away with it.” Vin and Elend, ladies and gentlemen. That is Brandon Sanderson doing flirty quips right. We need more of this in books!

5. They Still Have Friends! 

emma-approved-friendsSeriously, don’t shut yourself out from other people. You still need other friends.

What do you like/dislike in romances in books?