Category Archives: Top 10

Top Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is my Top Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist (if you could make authors write about these things you would. Could be a specific type of character, an issue tackled, a time period, a certain plot, etc.)

Seeing as I do write, while compiling this list I wondered: Why aren’t I writing these stories? And the answer is, I haven’t been so particularly inspired to yet. But who knows, maybe one day I will! But in the meantime, if someone else wants to write on of these stories, that’s be great because I would love to read them! This week’s list is in no particular order, and all these are YA story ideas unless otherwise specified.

1. WWII Historical Fiction Set in America

There’s been a fair share of WWII historical fiction lately, set in other countries: The Book Thief, Between Shades of Gray, Code Name Verity, etc. And I’m grateful for these, because for those of us who do live in America, sometimes we need to get outside of our USA bubble and see how the rest of the world sees things. But remember Molly from American Girl?

meet-mollyI’ve been interested in WWII history for a long time, so even as a girl I was fascinated by the story of a girl my age and how she coped with the war at home in America. I would absolutely love to see a YA story like this!

2. Story Set in Monaco

monte_carlo_casino_monacoOnce upon a time, I saw something about the country of Monaco on TV, and since then, I’ve been mildly curious about it. We see books set in France, Italy, Australia, etc., but what about Monaco? How’s life look like there? I actually wrote a short story about a teen American girl visiting Monaco when I was in high school, but I haven’t been able to find it and quite frankly, I knew very little about the country. I’d love to read the story from someone who knew what they were talking about.

3. A Little Women Retelling

little-women-retellIt’s no secret that I love Little Women. Because of this, I have attempted a couple different retellings, but neither of them have stuck for me yet, but we’ll see… maybe one day something will. I love this story and want to see a truly justifiable retelling of it, either in a contemporary or futuristic setting. Also, bonus points if Jo and Laurie hook up this time. 🙂

4. Jane Austen Contemporary Retellings, a la Lizzie Bennet and Emma Approved

ja-retellingsBasically, I want to see stories very similar to The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved as novels, and obviously more suited for that than the video format. I suppose they would be more New Adult, but I would want them to not be too focused on sexytimes, but rather stay true to the nature of Jane Austen’s stories. And I know there are Jane Austen retellings out there, but I would love for the same author to write six books based on Jane Austen’s six books and that would be in the same universe, and be as awesome as these Pemberley Digital videos. I would DEVOUR these books, so someone give them to me!

5. Retelling of Alice in Wonderland that Involves Traveling to Other Worlds/Dimensions

I came up with this one very randomly. I have nothing else to add, but I think it sounds awesome.

6. Set in Well-Known Cities That Aren’t LA/NYC/Chicago

I love big cities, but it seems the same ones get all the love. Why not more books in Seattle, Houston, Phoenix, Nashville (though I think this one is rising in popularity… I just wish we could see more Nashville stories NOT involving country music), etc.? I’ll admit I don’t think much about where the story is set when I seek out a book, probably largely because I’m usually reading things set in the future, but if a book was set in Houston or Nashville (the two areas where I have spent the vast majority of my life) my interest would be at least piqued.

 7. Teens Who Work in a Comic Book Store and Go on Geeky Adventures

geek-costumesI think this one is self-explanatory, and would be so fun!

8. Teen Science Geniuses a la Fitz-Simmons

fitz-simmons2Fitz and Simmons are the two scientists on the show Agents of SHIELD, and they’re also my favorite characters from the show. They totally play off each other with their science facts and geeky quips and I want a book with a duo like them! But since I fail at science, I will not be writing it.

9. Teen Olympian Athlete

Eiskunstlauf: Tara Lipinski zeigt ihr WM-Gold
Was anyone else totally into Tara Lipinski, 1998 Olympic gold medalist?

As someone who has never been particularly good at sports, I have long been fascinated by the ability of Olympian athletes, and would love to read a YA book about a teen playing in the games, particularly a gymnast, a swimmer, or an ice skater. I would love to read a realistic look of what it takes to train for, qualify for, and be in the Olympics as a teen athlete.

10. Teens/Young Adults Flying in Space, a la the Red Squad from Star Trek

Red_SquadIn the Star Trek franchise, there are references to an elite group of cadets from Starfleet Academy called Red Squad who receive special and advanced training flying in space. In an episode of Deep Space Nine called “Valiant,” the Red Squad cadets were aboard the U.S.S. Valiant with an adult crew, when all the adult crew were killed in enemy fire and the cadets were forced to step up and take charge of the ship. It was a very interesting look on how a spaceship run by young people would work, how they would respond to having to answer to one another as officers, etc. Basically, I would love to see some of the ideas from this episode expounded on and explored in a book (something other than a Star Trek book). And I would love to hear the perspective of the specially trained teens about flying in space and their hopes for their future in a space career.

So what’s on your reading wishlist?

My Top 10 Movie Anticipations for 2014

Thanks to Yahoo’s list of most anticipated films of 2014, I was able to comb through and figure out what was coming out and what I am anticipating as well!

10. The Monuments Men

Expected Release: February 7, 2014

The premise seems interesting, and  of course the cast is star-studded. As long as this one isn’t full of vulgarity (it hasn’t been rated yet) I’ll be interested to see this one.

9. Divergent

Expected Release: March 21, 2014

The trend of adapting YA books to the big screen continues in 2014, and other than Mockingjay (duh), this is the one I’m most looking forward to seeing.

8. Unbroken

Expected Release: December 25, 2014

This has the potential to be amazing, and as you may remember I raved about this book as my favorite read of 2013. But also because of my deep love for this story, I really want to see it done justice. I am excited to see that Garrett Hedlund is in the movie, though I don’t even remember the person he is portraying. I am also a little wary because Angelina Jolie is directing it and I have no idea what her directing chops are like, and the Coen brothers wrote the screenplay (I saw True Grit and was quite unimpressed). So basically, this means it will probably win Oscars and I’ll hate it. I hope I’ll like it. I want to love it.

7. X-Men: Days of Future Past

Expected Release: May 23, 2014

The trailer for this one really amazed me. It looks incredible, but I am still slightly wary, which is why it’s only #7 on my list. Other than X-Men: First Class, which I am hoping this movie will be along the same vein of, I have remained largely unimpressed with the X-Men franchise. But I hope this one is as awesome as the trailer makes it seem.

6. The Hobbit: There and Back Again

Expected Release: December 17, 2014

It’s hard for me to be super pumped for this one since I actually haven’t seen the second installment of The Hobbit trilogy yet, but I’m hoping once I do that I’ll be more excited for this final chapter! (Or I assume, I mean, I guess we never know with Peter Jackson…)

5. Interstellar

Expected Release: November 7, 2014

I want to be way more excited for this, because Christopher Nolan is my absolute favorite filmmaker AND storyteller. I just think he does incredible work. But the first trailer bored me, and I’m not a huge fan of Matthew McConaughey or Topher Grace. I want to be super excited, but I’m actually very wary. The only reason this movie is even on this list, and especially at this point on this list, is because of my love for C. Nolan. So please prove me wrong about all my current feelings about this movie, Christopher Nolan. Please release a better trailer soon and remind me why I love your stories so much. Please prove me very, very wrong.

4. Transcendence

Expected Release: April 18, 2014

This sci-fi thriller looks like it has the potential to be AMAZING. But, I’m trying to keep my excitement in check after Oblivion burned me in 2013. The director has worked on a lot of Christopher Nolan’s movies, so that’s somewhat promising.

3. How to Train Your Dragon 2

Expected Release: June 13, 2014

I ADORED How to Train Your Dragon, and it is easily one of my favorite animated films. The sequel looks pretty good, and I’m hoping it delivers!

2. Captain America: Winter’s Soldier

Expected Release: April 4, 2014

Captain America is my favorite of the Avengers because Steve Rogers!!! He’s the perfect 1940’s gentleman, and I love his character. So naturally, I am excited about his second movie. And Hayley Atwell and Dominic Cooper are both credited to reprise their roles on IMDB so… that’s also interesting. Of course, it might just be flashbacks to torture me and remind me that Steve and Peggy are living decades apart now. *cries*

1. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part One

Expected Release: November 21, 2014

After the amazingness of Catching Fire this last year, how can this not be my number one anticipation?! OK, I think the pacing in Mockingjay the book is actually really crappy and it’s my least favorite book of the trilogy, but I have faith it’s going to be good, and I’m excited!

Some lovely fan art.

Others I might be interested in: The Giver adaptation, Exodus (with Christian Bale!) and Noah are both Biblical adaptations that can be interesting or just weird, Edge of Tomorrow is a Tom Cruise sci-fi movie that could  have potential, and The Maze Runner adaptation.


The Amazing Spider-man 2 will be a renter.

And who knows what else may spring up on me! I hope I see a few more new movies this year than I did last year!

What movies are you anticipating in 2014?

My Top Ten Goals for 2014

Short intro for this list: Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is my Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2014 (bookish, not bookish, or a blend).

Long intro: When 2013 came to an end, I wasn’t super reflective. I do think I grew in some ways in 2013: as a writer, as a wife, and hopefully as a person, but I also struggled with things I’ve always struggled with, frustrated that I just could not move past them. 2013 wasn’t  a great year or a terrible year, but just like every other year of my life it was important, because just like every other year of my life it shaped me. But New Year’s has gotten to where it feels so blase to me, which is the biggest reason why I didn’t feel the need to reflect on New Year’s Eve and makes all kinds of resolutions for the new year.

But that being said, making goals for myself, regardless of the time of year is important to me. Last February I decided to start this blog and set some writing goals for myself. Well, I failed at the writing goals, or… maybe not. I did fail at meeting the specific goals, but as I look back on them now I realize they weren’t really the right goals for me. I did write more, increasingly more thanks to NaNoWriMo, a goal I had not set for myself in February of last year but I achieved and am so proud of myself for having accomplished it. This year, I have more writing goals (in addition to reading and blogging goals) for myself that may or may not get met, because they may or may not be the right goals for me. But the bottom line of these goals is to pursue them, the heart behind them, and take the steps I need to at this point in time for my life. I don’t want  to bite off more than I can chew, but I don’t want to hold myself back either. This year, I want to continue to strive for balance.

All that being said, here are my goals for 2014, related largely to writing, blogging, and reading.

Reading Goals

1. Read Les Miserables

I know this is a crazy goal. This book is over 1000 pages long. But my sweet husband got this book for me after I mentioned it on the blog, and the good thing about him doing that is that it was the push I needed to actually motivate myself to read this chunkster. So here’s the goal: to take as much time reading this book as I need, chapter by chapter, this year. Instead of sitting down with this book and reading it straight through, I will read a few chapters here and there, at my leisure, and my only goal for finishing is to have it done by the end of the year. And if I have to carry it over to next year, as long as I’m still reading it, I don’t think that should be marked as a failure. The resolution is to just keep moving forward. The goal is completion by December 31, 2014.

les-miserables-book2. Only Read What I Want to Read

This may sound a little silly, but this year I found it easy to get so caught up in what other people hyped that I would start reading books I didn’t have much interest in. This did pay off sometimes, but sometimes it backfired. I read about a fifth of what most of my fellow book bloggers read last year, so I have to be selective. So that means I am going to try this year to more carefully choose what exactly I read, based on multiple reviews and dissecting what people are saying in those reviews. I may still end up disappointed, but that’s OK, but you can still learn from reading something you don’t love.

3. Continue to Expand My Reading Horizons by Reading the Following…

Here are a few more reading goals rolled into one…

1 more Jane Austen book: I read Pride and Prejudice in college, then in 2012 and 2013 I made the effort to read another one of her works in each of those years (Northanger Abbey in 2012 and Persuasion in 2013). I love her stories but not her writing style, so it is a little bit of a challenge for me. This year I am thinking I’ll probably read Emma.

1 classic science fiction book: This will probably either be Ender’s Shadow or Do Androids Sleep of Electric Sheep?. I really want to read more in the science fiction genre as my appreciation for science fiction in TV and movies has grown.

1 writing book: In 2012 I read a writing book as well as in 2013, and I think both helped me some. I believe that as a writer, it’s important I continue the practice of reading books about writing. There are some books about plotting I might like into, or Stephen King’s writing memoir On Writing.

1 non-fiction book: In addition to the writing book, I want to read another non-fiction book. The one I feel is the most likely candidate right now is 1776, but it’s possible I may choose to read an autobiography, a psychology book, or even a science book (if I can find one my unscientific brain can comprehend). Of course, I think reading more than one would be ideal, but I’m aiming for at least one. (I read two last year.)

2014-reading-goalsBlogging Goals

4. Blog When I Want to Blog

I have been pretty much doing this for the past few months, but I want to try even harder to not feel too much pressure from inconsistent blogging this year. I do think consistent blogging is great, but I have other things in my life I need to manage, and more passions to pursue. But I certainly have no intention of leaving you all hanging completely. I have met some wonderful people in the blogsphere and I’m not leaving you now! 🙂 If it wasn’t for you, I know I wouldn’t have kept the blog going this long.

5. Blog Only Meaningful Content

I think this goes hand-in-hand with my previous goal. I want to blog not only when I want to, but also what I want to.

Writing Goals

6. Focus on One Writing Project at a Time

This is going to be crazy hard, because I have bad writing ADD. I have literally started over a dozen novels, but how many have been completed? Four. Two of those four belong to a much larger story arc of a series that I still have not completely worked out yet, and one I just wrote this last year for NaNo. (The other is my long labor of love that I have been working on since high school, but I am giving it more room to breathe right now) This year, I want to focus on my story from NaNo. Start revising and rewriting, get beta readers, rewrite and edit again, get more beta readers, rewrite and write again, and then hopefully, if all goes well…

7. Start Querying Agents

Last year, I set a goal to start this process in March 2014. That was unrealistic because up until November, I was still suffering from Writing ADD. If I am fortunate enough to feel that my project is ready for querying this year, it will be later in the year. Right now, I am thinking I would love to start this process in September, but if I start at any point this year I would love that.  And if I don’t, hopefully 2015 will become that year for me. Again, as long as I am actually working on writing and not getting distracted and doing the very best I can, I will be satisfied with that progress.

writing-snoopy8. Make Writing a Top Priority

I let writing fall by the wayside most of the year for blogging and reading. I don’t really regret it because blogging helped me write, helped me read, and helped me better understand the publishing process and industry. And of course I can’t regret reading because it helped me write, and of course it’s just rewarding in of itself. Really, writing and reading will probably be more a joint top priority, as I will probably read during lunch at work and write when I get home. But blogging will definitely suffer a little because of this schedule, and I hate that, but…

Life Goals

9. Pursue my Passions More Seriously

This is vague, but I have specific things in mind when I say this, some of which I mentioned here. Writing, creativity, stories are all my passion, and I want to more seriously pursue ways to incorporate these things in my life. Blogging helped me with that some this year, but I do feel I want to pursue other routes with these passions this year.

10. Prepare for 30

As much as I have a hard time acknowledging this, I’m in my late twenties now, and I’m not getting any younger. With 30 not too far down the road for me, I want to try harder over the next few years to make a more conscientious effort to prepare for the third decade of life physically especially, by eating better, becoming more active, buying better skincare products, etc. I am sure there are other ways I need to prepare for 30, so I will be trying to recognize those and do them as I go.

What are your goals for 2014? 

My Top 10 Books I Read in 2013

Top Ten Tuesday topic is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is the Top Ten Books I Read In 2013. I am listing them in order of my absolute favorite of the year to my 10th favorite. These probably won’t be very surprising if you’re a regular reader here since I’ve talked about them so much, but here they are once again!

1. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand: 5 Stars


This was one of three nonfiction books I read this year, and it was far from an easy read, but it was extremely rewarding. It’s the terrifying story of an American who became a POW in Japan during WWII, and how he healed afterward. It’s an amazing story that I think everyone reading this blog should read. I can’t recommend it enough.

2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: 5 Stars


This is the hauntingly beautiful tale of a young girl living in Germany during WWII with a desire to read every book she can. This book has some of the most lovely prose and imagery that I have ever read, not to mention the emotions and the characters! Another one you should definitely read if you haven’t already (and one I might not have discovered were it not thanks to all you out there in the blogsphere!).

3. Start. by Jon Acuff: 5 Stars


Before attending Jon Acuff’s Start Night and reading this book, I was toying with the idea of starting this blog. This non-fiction book about “punching fear in the face” pushed me forward with blogging, writing in general, and slowly letting go of the fears that I have for too long have allowed to hold me back. And in case it sounds like typical self-help, it’s not. It’s much funnier, as well as realistic and practical.

4. For Darkness Shows the Stars: 4.5 Stars


Genetic engineering + Jane Austen adaptation = a total Amy book. I really, really enjoyed this one, but there were a few things that kept me from giving it a full 5 star rating. But the world building, characters, and story were all great, and I’m so glad I read it. I’m currently reading the follow-up Across a Star-Swept Sea and I think I might even love it more!

5. Cinder by Marissa Meyer: 4 Stars


This was one book that got so much love among bloggers that I couldn’t ignore it, and I’m so glad I didn’t! Marissa Meyer crafts such an interesting world filled with such lovable, unique characters that you can’t help but root for. This book got 4 stars for being pretty predictable, but it was definitely a favorite for me this year!

6. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer: 4 Stars


I did not love the second Lunar Chronicles book as much, since I didn’t connect with Scarlet and Wolf as well as I did with Cinder and Kai, but the action was great and the story was still so interesting! I’m dying for Cress!

7. Pivot Point by Kasie West: 4 Stars


Kasie West’s debut really took me by surprise. It’s basically a contemporary meets paranormal (but not of the vampire variety) or light sci-fi (however you want to categorize it), and the story and the characters kept me engaged throughout. I am looking forward to seeing how Addie’s story finishes.

8. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card: 4 Stars


This was not the most fun book to read, but it was a very good story and extremely thought-provoking. I don’t think I really even realized how many questions it raised in my mind until months after I had closed the book. Or how much I cared about the characters.  And I still need to read Ender’s Shadow! If you’ve read some of the light sci-fi YA out there but not this, I would recommend it as your next step into the genre, but know that’s it’s darker. But it’ll really get you to thinking. The movie is worthwhile too, though a very truncated version of what happens in the book.

9. What’s Left of Me by Kat Zhang: 4 Stars


This was another pleasant surprise for me. When this was the first choice of book for a book club I joined, I was intrigued by the premise, and curious about how I would like it when I saw several mixed reviews. Though some of it was confusing, overall, I really connected with the main characters and really enjoyed it. I also had the chance to meet Kat Zhang in person, and she’s really sweet! (She’s also very personable on Twitter!) I felt the follow-up was not as strong, but still a good read.

10. Allegiant by Veronica Roth: 4 Stars


Despite its highly controversial ending, for the most part, this  book won me over as a fitting conclusion to the trilogy. Did I love everything about it? No. But it was nice to finally get answers to questions I’ve had since Divergent.

What were your favorite books that you read in 2013?

Top 5 Books I Want for Christmas

Top Ten Tuesday topic is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is the Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me. Even though there are certainly more than five books I’d like for Santa to bring me, I decided to just mention the top 5. I only asked for the first two so that’s probably all I’ll get, but you know, just in case Santa is reading this. 🙂


1. These Broken Stars/2. Across a Star-Swept Sea/3. All Our Yesterdays/4. The Screwtape Letters/5. Les Miserables

I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and enjoys the holiday season!