Category Archives: Top 10

The Top Ten(ish) Books On My TBR For Summer 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books on my TBR for Summer 2015. So I am pretty proud of myself because I read 7 out of the 10 books on my spring TBR! I also started one of the books but put it down with the intention to eventually pick it back up (the writing book, Save the Cat by Blake Snyder) and then there’s The Hero of Ages, which I intend to start very soon. On the note, let’s start the summer TBR list, in no particular order…

1. The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson


Yes, I really will read this soon.

2. The Start of You and Me by Emery Lord


All you people who talk about the cute, nerdy interactions have made me put this on my TBR.

3. The Distance Between Us by Kasie West


I got the ebook recently and I’m ready to see what the fuss is about!

4. Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee


I’ve heard good things about this one so I put it on hold at the library.

5. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams


My dad asked me recently if I had read this yet, since he knew I had gotten it for Christmas. I had to admit I had not, and I told him I just so had much to read! But I think I’ll read it soon so I can tell him I did!

6. The Last Time We Said Goodbye by Cynthia Hand


Another carry-over from my spring TBR, but hopefully I will actually get to it this summer.

7. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen


Since the year is halfway over, I really need to think about when I am going to fit in my annual Jane Austen read, which I’m pretty sure will be Mansfield Park this time.

8., 9., and 10…?

So after this I’m not really sure. There are a lot of things I’ve thought about reading and haven’t gotten around to, so depending on library availability and mood, maybe I will get around to some of these…

summertbr1Or something from my collection that I have yet to read…



What’s on your summer TBR?

The Top 10 Books I’d Love To See As Movies/TV Shows

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books I’d Love To See As Movies/TV Shows. This one was hard because I think we all have love/hate relationships with movie adaptations of our beloved books… sometimes it goes well, sometimes it doesn’t. Here are some I think I would like to see though… just please don’t ruin them! This week’s list is in no particular order…

1. The Lunar Chronicles as Animated Movies


I never would have dreamed I would suggest this (I figured they couldn’t do the story justice), but once I saw the above image (+more!) from Tumblr I was sold. MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

2. The Scorpio Races as a Movie

scorpio-races-movieI think The Scorpio Races could make for a really interesting movie. The book is a little slow and the movie would have to be faster, more focused on Puck’s family, training, her and Sean’s backstories, not to mention more of the island and these dangerous horses!

See my Scorpio Races dreamcast here

3. For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across A Star-Swept Sea as Movies


I have a lot of love for these books, and I would REALLY like to see them as movies!

4. Code Name Verity as a Movie


As long as the movie didn’t linger too much on the brutality and was more focused on the backstory and the aftermath, I think this would be a really good one to watch (though we’d all still need tissues for sure!).

5. Crime & Punishment (a good modern-day adaptation) as a Movie or YouTube Series

crimepunishFor my thesis project to graduate from the honors college years ago, I made a short film based on Crime and Punishment, set in modern times. While working on this project one of the things I did was watch a few film adaptations of the story, including a modern one called Crime and Punishment in Suburbia which, quite frankly, was terrible. So I would like to see a really good, modern adaptation of the story (to say my short film was “really good” would be an overstatement, ha).

The reason why I also added “or YouTube series” is because I can see this working out really well. Raskolinkov (we can rename him; I did for my project) is an ex-student with a lot of ideas, and I can see him doing YouTube videos to share these ideas. He would have to commit a crime not nearly as heinous and felonious as murder though if the audience is going to know what’s going on with him, or maybe we just watch his degradation from guilt without explanation until later. There would be interactions with his friend, his sister, Sonia… I just seeing it working if done well.

6. Finding Alice as a Movie

finding-alice-collageThis story about a girl diagnosed with schizophrenia has stayed with me for years, and I think it could be a really good movie.

7. The Mistborn Books as an Epic, High-Budget TV Mini-Series

mistborn-collageThis would be amazing. I don’t think there is need for elaboration.

8. Ready Player One as a Movie

readyplayer1-collageImages Found Via

I know the film rights were bought recently and I honestly believe that, if done well, I could really end up enjoying the movie more than the book.

9. The Silver Chair as a Movie


I was talking with some friends recently and one of them said this supposed to be happening so I REALLY hope so! Aside from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, this is my favorite of the Narnia books.

10. Leviathan Trilogy as Movies

leviathan-collageI think these books adapted to film would be such a fun ride! Alternate history, steampunk, interesting creatures, and adventures all around make these books an excellent candidate for the big screen I believe!

Also check out Jessi @ A Novel Heartbeat’s recent post about upcoming YA adaptations!

What books would you like to see on the big or small screen?

Top 10 Beach Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books  I Plan To Have In My Beach Bag This Summer or Ten Books I Think Make Great Beach Reads. Yet again, this topic comes right after I get back from the beach, and this trip was shorter than last year’s, so I didn’t quite get to devour as many books this time. However, I wanted to share what I brought with me, what I would want to bring with me if I could go again, and what I would recommend you take on your beach trip.

The Well of Ascension/The Hero of Ages/Beach Tote

OK, so I actually didn’t get to finish The Well of Ascension on my trip, much less touch The Hero of Ages, though I did bring it on the trip with me. I actually love reading fantasy on the beach because you have the hours at a time to absorb the world you’re reading; I discovered this last year when I read Shadow and Bone on my beach trip.

beachbag2015-3The Distance Between Us/The Winner’s Crime/The Start of You and Me/The Hunger Games/Beach Tote

This list assumes I decided to get physical copies of the first three books since I don’t want to take my e-reader to the beach (I have the e-book of The Distance Between Us and the other two I have holds on the e-books through my library). As far as The Hunger Games go, I would really like to re-read the trilogy this year, and the beach seems like a nice place to do it!

beachbag2015-4All Fall Down/The Young Elites/Leviathan/For Darkness Shows the Stars/Beach Tote

If you’re looking for any rhyme or reason to these choices other than the fact that I enjoyed them all, good luck because there isn’t really a theme here at all! We’ve got contemporary (with a hint of thriller), fantasy, alternate history steampunk, and sci-fi all for the taking here.

Which books would you like to read at the beach?

The Top Ten Authors I Feel I Should Probably Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is a Freebie, so I decided to go with the top 10 authors I feel I should probably read. Some have specific books I have my eye on, some don’t, but either way, I want to read them eventually! Here are my choices, in no particular order.

1. Sarah Addison Allen, author of Garden Spells

sarah-allen-gardenI’ve heard good things about her fiction and I want to try to read more adult fiction, so she’s someone I think whose work I’ll have to check out.

2. L.M. Montgomery, author of Anne Of Green Gables

I had no idea how much people loved these books until I had been blogging for a while. I knew of them as a kid but I was just never interested in them (like Harry Potter… clearly my younger self didn’t know anything).

3. Ruta Sepetys, author of Between Shades of Gray

ruta-shadesI don’t know why I’m so drawn to read Ruta Sepetys and yet haven’t yet. Too many other books! She was at a writing conference I attended last year, and though I didn’t get to hear much from her she seems really neat. And she lives in Tennessee!

4. Madeleine L’Engle, author of A Wrinkle in Time

Again, late to the game here. Actually, the book of hers I’m most interested in reading is called Walking on Water, which Annie quoted multiple times in a blog post and it really piqued my interest!

5. Shannon Hale, author of Austenland

shannon-hale-austenI’ve heard good things about the Princess Academy books, and I love Jane Austen stories, so I think I’m definitely going to have to check out some Shannon Hale sometime.

6. Charlotte Bronte, author of Jane Eyre

I don’t know if I’ll like Bronte or not, but I feel I ought to at least try. After all, her biggest fan, aka Charlene, gave Star Trek a chance. 🙂

7. Susan Dennard, author of Something Strange and Deadly


I love her writing advice and get her weekly emails, so I feel like I should probably read at least one of her books (but hopefully more!).

8. Neil Gaiman, author of Stardust

He’s so prolific, so I feel ought to read something of his for sure!

9. Victoria Schawb, author of A Darker Shade of Magic

schwab-darkershadeI know, I know. I fail at life.

10. Elizabeth Gaskell, author of North and South

I’ve heard some talk about North and South and after reading the synopsis I became interested in checking it out one day. Might be a hit, might be a miss, but I’ll never know unless I try!

Which authors do you feel you need to read?

The Top Ten Books Which Feature Characters Who Have More Brains than Brawn

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books Which Feature Characters Who ___________. Because of my love for smart characters, I decided to go with characters who have more brains than brawn. For most of the books/characters selected, their braininess is an important factor of the book, or I’ve only read the first book but I think it will come in handy in future books. My choices, in no particular order…

1.  The Winner’s Curse, Kestrel

GR-thewinnerscurseMy favorite thing about this book was definitely the mind games. Kestrel is not a fighter, but she is a strategist. I still haven’t read the follow-up, but I hear it’s also twisty turny, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of Kestrel thinking and planning and acting on her strategies.

2. Harry Potter, Hermione

hp-hermione2I loved Hermione from the beginning, as I could completely relate with her studious ways, but I also loved her arc, how she ultimately cared more about her friends than her studies. And let’s just say that Harry would have been completely lost with Hermione’s smarts helping him out along the way.

3. All Fall Down, Megan

gr-allfalldownMegan is a secondary character that we don’t get a ton of, but we see that she has skills and, like Hermione, values friendship as well. I have a feeling we’ll get to see more of Megan’s smarts saving the day in future Embassy Row books.

4. Mistborn, Elend

gr-mistbornOK, this is probably the furthest stretch, but he loves books, and he’s clearly more cerebral and less of a fighter. I still need to read books 2 and 3 (I’m starting to miss the world after a few months away, but I’ve decided I will definitely read them next month!), but I bet he’s going to be helping Vin out in the future.

5. The Hunger Games, Beetee

hg-beetee2I think this is pretty obvious. Though Beetee is not in the first book, he is definitely an important character in the second and third books and helps Katniss in her fight against the Capital.

6. Seraphina, Kiggs & Seraphina

GR-seraphinaSeraphina and Kiggs are both bookish people who love reading the philosophers and frequently use their brains to solve problems to help diffuse the tension between people and dragons.

7. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes

sherlockholmes2I just love Sherlock Holmes, because he’s just BRILLIANT. Watson’s a smart cookie too, for sure, but Holmes’ powers of observation and deductive reasoning just make his detective work so fascinating to me.

8. Across a Star-Swept Sea, Persis and Justen

acrossastarsweptPersis is incredibly smart, but she doesn’t act like it to cover up her role as The Wild Poppy. Meanwhile, Justen is a smart scientist seeking a cure for a disease he feels partly responsible for. I love when Persis actually lets a part of her true self shine through to Justen and they speak as equals for just a moment. And I love them individually for how they use their intelligence.

9. Ender’s Game, Ender

enders-game2So, let’s just say this kid is a pretty big deal. And what he does he does not with brawn, but with his brain, with strategy.

1o. Cress, Cress

cressCress might be lacking in the social aptitude department, but make no mistake, this girl is a gifted hacker, and she is a beneficial help to Cinder.

Bonus! Fitz and Simmons from TV’s Agents of SHIELD

fitzsimmons1fitzsimmons2If you follow me on Twitter, it’s no secret to you that I am an Agents of SHIELD fangirl. And I love these two and all their science babble. I want book characters like these two!

Who are your favorite smart characters from books?