Sometimes there are side characters in the superhero story that really deserve their own chance to shine. These are the three that I would love to see get there own spotlight… in no particular order…
1. ROBIN John Blake
My husband and I recently rewatched the three movies of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, and it just confirmed what I’ve always wanted: to see Christopher Nolan turn Joseph Gordon-Levitt into Batman. So why do I love John Blake so much? He’s intelligent, resourceful, and brave. He isn’t dramatic and he doesn’t get distracted. I’m not saying he’s perfect, but… he’s pretty awesome. And he deserves his own trilogy! Step aside, Batfleck!
2. Peggy Carter
My love for Peggy Carter and my enthusiasm for the upcoming Agent Carter TV show is unending! I adore how she is feminine yet tough and able to handle herself. She grew to care for Steve for his courage and heart, and she possesses those qualities as well. And though it was hard, she was able to move past his death and accomplish great things. She’s amazing and totally deserves this show and I cannot WAIT!
3. Lady Sif
Lady Sif is awesome. More awesome than Jane, more awesome than Thor. She doesn’t need some silly hammer to knock down the enemy. She did appear in an episode of Agents of SHIELD, which was GREAT, but I could definitely use more Sif! A Sif movie? TV show? Even a one-shot! Just give me more SIF, please!
Which side character from a superhero story would you like to see in the spotlight?
Great choices there. I can’t wait for the Agent Carter series either!
I think it’s going to be good! And I’m really curious to see how they’ll intertwine it with Agents of SHIELD!
I feel like the last Nolan movie set up John Blake as the next Batman — I would love to see them do something with this, instead of Ben Afleck. Just totally not into that. At all.
Totally agree!
Peggy Carter for sure! I know my husband is thrilled about her getting her own show, maybe too thrilled LOL
Ha ha!
I would love to see more Lady Sif also. Also, I was really liked how Joseph Gordon Levitt handled John Blake. Not that I expected it to be bad or anything. But it was so, so good. I was impressed
Me too!